Tangible Suggestion: suggestions for which a measurable dollar savings or increases in revenues
can be calculated may be eligible for a cash award from a minimum of $50 up to a maximum of
$750, for an individual, and up to a maximum of $750 for team suggestions.
Intangible Suggestion: Suggestions for which dollar savings cannot be calculated, but which
result in significant improvements in City operations may be eligible for a cash award from a
minimum of $50 up to a maximum of $200.
A cash award will only be made after the suggestion has been approved for adoption by the City
A cash award granted for a suggestion submitted by a team will be distributed equally among the
individuals whose signatures appear on this form.
When duplicate suggestions are submitted, only the first suggestion to be received by the Human
Resources Department will be eligible for consideration.
All cash awards are subject to federal, state, FICA tax deductions.
All City employees below the level of Department Director are eligible to participate in this
Examples of Eligible Suggestions: (suggestion must not reduce level of service to public)
Improve operations
Save time, labor, materials, or reduce cost
Increase efficiency or productivity
Improve service to the public
Improve safety conditions
Improve working conditions
Examples of ineligible Suggestions:
A duplicate of a suggestion that has already been submitted
Those that only present a problem, but provide no solution.
Increasing City fees
Those that propose changes in compensation or benefits
Improvements to new equipment or processes which are still in the testing stages.
Proposed changes and/or improvement already under consideration, in effect, or subject
to regular management review.
The City of Little Rock has the exclusive right to determine award policy and structure, and
retains the right to revise the terms and conditions of the Employee Suggestion Program, or to
terminate the program at any time without notice. Notwithstanding the above, an employee's