The Missouri Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC)
administers programs for workers who have been injured on the
job or exposed to an occupational disease arising out of and in
the course of employment. The Division’s Administrative Law
Judges have the authority to approve settlements or issue awards
after a hearing relating to an injured employee’s entitlement to
Steps to Take When Injured on the Job
1. Notify your employer immediately (written notice must be provided within 30 days of the accident/or 30 days after the
diagnosis of any occupational disease or repetitive trauma) by contacting
__________________________________________, _________________________.
employer representative phone number
*Failure to do so may jeopardize your ability to receive benefits
2. Ask your employer to provide medical treatment (your employer/insurer is responsible for providing medical
treatment and paying the medical fees and charges unless you choose to treat with another doctor at your own
expense without your employer/insurer’s approval).
3. Get more information about the benefits available under the Workers’ Compensation Program or about the steps you may
take to get the benefits you need. Visit www.labor.mo.gov/DWC or call 800-775-COMP.
Benefits for Injured Employees
Medical Care:
The employer or insurer is required to provide medical treatment and care that is reasonably required to cure and relieve
the effects of the injury. This includes all costs for authorized medical treatment, prescriptions, and medical devices. There
is no deductible, and all costs are paid by the employer or its workers’ compensation insurance company. If you receive a
bill, contact your employer or the insurance company immediately. The employer/insurer has the right to choose the
healthcare provider or treating physician. You may select a different healthcare provider or treating physician, but if you do
so, it may be at your own expense.
Payment for Lost Wages:
If a doctor says you are unable to work due to your injuries or recovery from a surgery, you may be entitled to temporary
total disability (TTD) benefits. If a doctor says that you can perform light or modified duty work and your employer
offers you such work, you may not be eligible for TTD benefits. TTD benefits should be continued until the doctor says
you can return to work, or when your treatment is concluded because your condition has reached “maximum medical
improvement,” whichever occurs first.
If you return to light or modified duty at less than full pay, you may be entitled to temporary partial disability benefits.
Permanent Disability Benefits:
If the injury or illness results in a permanent disability, you may be entitled to receive either permanent partial or permanent
total disability benefits.
Survivor Benefits:
If a work-related injury causes an employee’s death, the surviving dependents may receive weekly death benefits paid at 66
2/3% of the deceased employee’s average weekly wage along with funeral expenses up to $5,000 from the employer/insurer.
For additional information relating to survivor’s benefits, including college scholarship opportunities for surviving children,
please visit www.labor.mo.gov/DWC.
Additional Benefits for Occupational Diseases Due to Toxic Exposure - Permanent Total Disability and/or Death:
For information relating to additional benefits available, please refer to the Division’s website at www.labor.mo.gov/DWC/
Missouri Division of Workers’ Compensation
P.O. Box 58, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Employee Information
Insurance Company, Third Party Administrator,
Service Company, or
Designated Individual If Self-Insured
Name _____________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
Phone _____________________________________________
**Make sure your data is turned on and scan the QR Code with your smartphone’s camera to go to the Division of Workers Compensation’s Website
for more information. If you are not redirected, you may need to update your smartphone’s operating system or download a QR Code reader app.