A. The eligible employee is responsible to notify the Human Resources (HR) Office of
his/her intent to enroll and seek the reduced tuition benefit. This is accomplished by
completing an Employee Tuition Reduction Authorization Form (ETRAF), which is
available on the Human Resources web page at: http://isu.edu/hr/forms/.
Employees must obtain appropriate management approval on the form and return it to the
HR Office by the registration deadline for the term for which they are enrolling. The
employee or spouse must present a copy of the authorized ETRAF to the Cashier’s Office
at the time of registration. If the employee or spouse is receiving financial aid, he/she
must advise the Financial Aid Office (282-2256) that he/she is eligible for the ISU tuition
reduction benefit.
B. The Student Financial Accounting Office applies the authorized tuition reduction to the
student’s account and identifies the student as a recipient of the tuition reduction benefit,
thus providing access through Banner to the Payroll and Financial Aid Offices.
C. An employee who makes any changes at registration or during the add/drop period to the
classes he/she intends to take (i.e., night to day classes, adding classes, etc.) must
complete a revised ETRAF and submit it to the Human Resources Office for approval
and processing. The supervisor and/or Dean/Director must approve this change. If the
change increases the enrollment to more than six credits, the applicable Vice President
must also approve the change.
D. It is the responsibility of the Payroll Office to track and report to the IRS any tax
reportable benefit that may be received from this tuition benefit.
E. Supervisors, directors, and unit heads are responsible to ensure their organization meets
all requirements and limitations of this policy. They must ensure their staffing needs are
met without additional expense to the University while the employee is attending class. If
approved at the supervisor level, the direct supervisor and/or department head shall
provide a detailed analysis in the Employee Tuition Reduction Authorization
Questionnaire, which is attached to the ETRAF, for any request to enroll in more than six
credit hours per term. The information in the questionnaire will provide the management
chain, including Vice Presidents, the necessary details to weigh the facts and approve,
modify, or deny the request.
A. This educational privilege provides instructional and library privileges, but does not
exempt the individual from paying special class fees, program fees, activity fees, late
registration fees, etc.