Emergency Response Procedures
for Building Evacuation Leads
August 22, 2012
Emergency Response Procedure for Building Evacuation Leads
1. Purpose: To provide necessary information for Building Evacuation Leads to
coordinate building evacuations and to assist with lockdown situations.
2. Scope: Building Evacuation Leads will lead building evacuations, assist building
occupants with complying with lockdown orders and will report the building status
to emergency responders and/or the SCU Emergency Operations Group
following an emergency.
3. Expectations of Building Evacuation Leads
1. Learn this procedure and be prepared to coordinate an evacuation or assist
in a lockdown situation.
2. Before an emergency occurs, identify personnel in your building that can
assist in an evacuation.
3. Familiarize yourself with those in your building particularly those who need
assistance to evacuate and who their assigned evacuation buddies are.
4. Know how to contact the Police or Campus Safety in an emergency: 911 or
408 554-4444 (Emergency Dispatch).
5. Support Emergency Evacuation drills and provide feedback.
4. References:
a. SCU Emergency Operations Plan
b. SCU Faculty and Staff Emergency Procedure Handbook
c. SCU Department Emergency Plan Template
d. SCU Emergency Procedure Poster
5. Definitions
Lock Down: When there is advance warning of a potentially dangerous situation
where being outside may put you at risk (such as a nearby chemical release or
reports of shots in nearby neighborhood) you could be instructed to stay indoors or in
an immediately dangerous situation, you could be instructed to lock/barricade doors,
hide from windows and not leave the room until directed to (see Attachment 1 for
additional examples).
Evacuation: When required to leave the work area and report to an Emergency
Assembly Point. Evacuations are initiated when there is a potential threat to staying
in the building such as a fire or damage after an earthquake (see Attachment 1 for
additional examples).
Medical Emergency: Situations requiring professional medical assistance including
psychological crisis.
6. Procedure for Evacuation
1. Safely stop your work, leave your work area and close (but do not lock) your
door and window if safe to do so.
2. Evacuate the building promptly. If not previously assigned, assign two of the
building evacuees to canvas the building for any remaining personnel on the
way out (if safe to do so). Bring with you the Building Emergency Status
Report Form.
3. Use the nearest safe stairs and proceed to the nearest exit. DO NOT USE
4. Assist any visitors under your supervision to the Emergency Assembly Point.
5. Go to the Emergency Assembly Point (Emergency Assembly Points are at:
), calm evacuees (if needed), and
ensure that evacuees are not lingering in the access areas for emergency
response vehicles.
6. Check with evacuees to confirm if they know that all those present in their
area at the time of the evacuation did safely evacuate.
7. Close but do not lock building doors.
8. Complete the Building Emergency Status Report (Attachment 3) and if the
emergency is minor or localized then wait for the first responders to arrive to
report the building status and roster information. If a major, widespread
emergency where first responders do not arrive, call the Emergency
Operations Center at extension 4742 (408-554-4742). If telephone service is
unavailable, send a report by messenger to the Emergency Operations
Center (Facilities Building).
9. DO NOT RE-ENTER or allow others to re-enter the building or work area until
you have been instructed to do so by emergency responders.
CAMPUS, WILL GO HOME. Before leaving the campus, faculty and staff will be
expected to report to their respective departments (resident students report to their
Residence Halls and non-resident students report to the Leavey Event Center to sign
out). By reporting before leaving, it provides the departments with a record of who
has left and who is still on campus for emergency contact purposes. If unable to
leave campus, students, faculty and staff should be instructed to report to the Leavey
Event Center to register for shelter.
Those who have had HEAT/CERT, First Aid, or other training that would be
beneficial in an emergency are encouraged to volunteer to support the campus
emergency response efforts. Volunteers may assist in support duties such as care
and shelter services, messaging, traffic direction and crowd control. Those wishing
to volunteer should be informed to report to the Benson Center for assignment.
7. Procedure for Lockdown:
1. SHELTER. Go inside the nearest building or classroom and remain there. Assist
the building occupants with finding shelter. Lock the door. You are looking for
enclosed protection from the outside. You may need to remind Instructors of
their responsibilities: Instructors should quickly check halls and get students into
classrooms. Instructors will keep all students in the classroom until the
emergency is resolved or until directed to evacuate by the Campus Safety and/or
emergency responders. In some instances, classes may continue to be held
while a lockdown is in effect. Building Evacuation Leads and staff should assist
building occupants with finding shelter.
2. SHUT. Close all doors and windows. The tighter and more complete the seal the
better. Close as many windows and doors between the outside and your shelter
as possible.
3. LISTEN. Remain quiet to hear critical instructions from Campus Safety and/or
emergency responders.
Do not release students or leave the shelter location until directed to do so by
Campus Safety and/or emergency responders.
Additional steps if appropriate such as a situation involving a hazardous material
related incident- often referred to as ‘shelter-in-place’:
Advise students/staff to cover mouth and nose with a damp cloth or
handkerchief to protect from any airborne hazards.
Faculty or staff (or student if no official present) should close all vents,
windows and turn off ventilation systems if possible. The goal is to keep
inside air in and outside air out. Air conditioners and heating systems bring
outside air in.
Turn off all motors and fans if possible. Still, non-moving air is best. Turn off
anything that creates wind, generates extra heat, or could generate sparks.
Do not release students/staff from the shelter location until the “all-clear”
signal is given by a Campus Alert Message, Campus Safety and/or
emergency responders.
8. Procedure for Active Shooter
Be aware of your surroundings and immediately take action.
Three words to remember are RUN, HIDE, or FIGHT.
If outside:
RUN off campus in a zig-zag pattern.
Seek cover.
Prevent others from entering the danger zone.
If inside and cannot escape:
Get inside a room.
Secure the door (lock, barricade, wedge, straps, etc.).
Cover windows and turn off lights.
Stay on floor behind an interior barricade, offset from the door or HIDE
the best that you can.
Turn phones to vibrate and check frequently for Campus Alert
Call 9-1-1 if you know the location, description or identity of the
Remain calm and prepare for an evacuation.
As a last resort, use improvised weapons and FIGHT.
9. Procedure for Earthquakes
DROP, COVER AND HOLD ON. Minimize your movements to a few steps to a
nearby safe place and if you are indoors, stay there until the shaking has stopped
and you are sure exiting is safe.
If Indoors:
DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or
desk; and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk
near, cover face and head with arms and crouch in an inside corner of the
Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything
that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.
Stay in bed if there when the earthquake strikes. Hold on and protect
head with a pillow, unless under a heavy light fixture that could fall then
move to the nearest safe place.
Do not use a doorway except if it is a strongly supported, load-bearing
doorway and it is close.
Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Do not exit
a building during the shaking.
DO NOT use the elevators.
Electricity may go out and sprinkler systems or fire alarms may activate.
If Outdoors:
Stay there.
Move away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires. Once in the
open, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger is directly
outside buildings, at exits and alongside exterior walls.
Report to Emergency Assembly Point to conduct evacuation duties, if
evacuation is ordered.
10. Procedure for Medical Emergency:
Do not move the injured person:
Try to make the injured person comfortable. If you are trained in First Aid or
CPR assist as you feel comfortable in assisting.
Gather as much information as you can about the person and the injury
(signs/symptoms and complaints of the victim).
Assign someone to meet the Campus Safety or EMT’s at the service elevator
lobby on the floor and direct them to the injured person.
Illness or Injury to Students
Report serious injury or illness to students that would prevent them from
being transported by conventional means to the Cowell Student Health
Center directly to Campus Safety x4444 (408-554-4444).
During the regular academic year, from 8 a.m. 5 p.m., Monday-Friday,
students with minor injuries/illness can report to the Cowell Student Health
Report minor illness or injury after hours when the Cowell Student Health
Center is closed to Campus Safety. Campus Safety will dispatch an
Emergency Medical Technician to the scene to provide medical treatment
and evaluate what level of further medical care is required.
Illness or Injury to Faculty, Staff, and Guests
Contact Campus Safety x4444 (408-554-4444) for emergency medical
Contact Campus Safety x4444 (408-554-4444) for treatment of job-related
injury or medical illness. Note: the injured employee’s supervisor and the
Department of Human Resources must be contacted and an
accident/incident form must be completed by the employee’s supervisor for
all job-related illness or injury (this form is obtained from the Department of
Human Resources).
Psychological Crisis
A psychological crisis exists when an individual is threatening harm to
themselves, others or is out of touch with reality. A psychotic break may be
manifested by hallucinations, uncontrollable behavior, or complete
Contact Campus Safety at x4444 (408-554-4444) for assistance.
If it is safe to do so, remain on the line until emergency personnel arrives.
Never try to deal with a potentially dangerous situation by yourself.
Report any suicide attempt to Campus Safety so that the proper procedures
may be followed in order to ensure the safety of the victim.
When contacting Campus Safety regarding a medical emergency, be prepared to
provide the following information:
Injured individual’s name;
Building name and location;
Floor and room number;
Nature of the emergency; and
Your call back number.
Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs)
AEDs have been placed within minutes of any campus location and a team of
SCU campus community members are trained in CPR and AED use.
The AED locations are available on the SCU EHS website at this link:
AEDs can be used without training by following the equipment instructions.
Attachment 1: Lockdown and Evacuation Examples
Type of
Emergency Description Action Type
A significant earthquake strikes the
Stay put or find a safe place
Evacuate only if there is significant
structural damage
A fire breaks out inside the building Evacuate
A gas line ruptures either externally
or internally causing gas to escape
and/or leading to an explosion.
Lockdown if the leak is outside the
Evacuate if the gas leak is inside
the building.
Water Damage
A pipe bursts causing water to leak
onto a floor or create a flood;
possible electrical hazard.
Evacuate damage area.
Civil Disturbance
Riot or civil unrest in and around
the building and neighborhood.
Bomb Threat
Notification of the possibility of a
bomb or suspicious package in or
near the building or the actual
discovery of a bomb or suspicious
package by Police
Evacuate the area.
Shooter/ Police
A gunman is in or around a building
on campus.
Biological Release
Biological materials (HazMat) are
released externally near the
building or inside the building.
Outdoor release: Lockdown.
Indoor release: Evacuate.
Chemical Release
Chemical materials or hazardous
materials (HazMat) are released
externally near the building or
inside the building.
Outdoor release: Lockdown.
Indoor release: Evacuate.
Radiation materials (HazMat) are
released externally near the
building or inside the building.
Outdoor release: Lockdown.
Indoor release: Evacuate.
Apartment house fire in
neighborhood; robbery/shooting at
nearby market; major accident;
armed intruder in community.
Attachment 2:
There are no special needs individuals in this building
The following individuals have been identified and will require assistance during an
Name of Person
Needing Special
Office Phone
Assigned Buddy
Attachment 3
Following a major emergency with significant operational impact to the campus, Building
Evacuation Lead use this form to provide a status report of damage and injuries, and to
request assistance from the SCU Emergency Operations Center (Facilities Building).
Report status by telephone if available (call 408-554-4742 or extension 4742)
otherwise by designated runner.
Building#: __________________________________________________
Building Evacuation Contact Name:____________________
Emergency Phone #_____________
Check if no major problem at this time otherwise complete the tables below
Problem/Urgent Need
Exact Location
Serious Injuries
Building collapse
People trapped
Natural gas leak
Hazardous material spill
Services Functioning:
Emergency Lighting
Emergency Generators