Albany State University
Business Continuity Planning
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Business Continuity
Albany State University faces a variety of risks from
disasters and events that can disrupt teaching, research,
extension services, and health care. These risks can be all
encompassing (major earthquake, ice and snow,
pandemic illness, terrorism) or localized (fire in a specific
building) or personal (failure of a hard drive). Because
disasters often cause loss of life, loss of income, property
damage and adversely affect individuals and families, the
University must make plans to continue their critical work
no matter what happens. Some departments, particularly
on ASU’s campus, will be expected not only to continue
but to expand their services during these times.
The expectation of Albany State University Police
Department’s Emergency Management Coordinator is
that each college, department, and administrative unit
will develop action items that are most appropriate for
their unit, determine baseline measures, and set short and
long term goals for achievement. The completion of your
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) will help ensure your
department is prepared to respond to various types of
operational interruptions, whether it is major disasters or
lesser interruptions. It puts planning in perspective and
makes it more likely that crisis response will run smoothly,
maximum service levels are maintained, and
departments recover as quickly as possible. In addition,
business continuity planning helps establish annual
exercise schedules used to test BCPs and Building
Emergency Action Plan (BEAPs).
For additional training, FEMA’s Independent Study
Program offers self-paced courses designed for people
who have emergency management responsibilities and
the general public. All are offered free-of-charge and can
be found at FEMA Independent Study Courses.
The following two courses introduce the concept of
continuity planning, provides a brief overview of
continuity, including its definition, the legal basis for
continuity planning, the Continuity Program Management
Cycle, and essential elements of a viable continuity
IS-546.12 - Continuity of Operations Awareness Course
IS-547.a - Introduction to Continuity of Operations
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................... 1
Scope… ............................ 2
Authorities ........................ 2
Phase I: Readiness &
Preparedness ................... 3
Department Identification…3
Department Functions… ..... 4
Human Capital… .................. 6
Leadership… ........................ 7
Phase II: Activation &
Relocation… ..................... 9
Communication… ............... 9
Staff Readiness… ............... 10
Continuity Facilities .......... 10
Phase III: Continuity of
Operations… .................. 11
Records Management/
Information Technology. .. 11
Dependencies… ................ 12
Phase IV: Reconstitution 13
Devolution of Control… ..... 13
Test, Train, Exercise… ........ 14
Plan Maintenance…........... 14
Authorizations ....... 15
Hazard & Vulnerability
Assessment Tool. ............ 16