Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Access
The Scholarship Repository of Florida Institute of Technology provides permanent, open access to journal articles, research reports,
conference papers, data sets, theses and dissertations, and other scholarly works created by Florida Institute of Technology faculty
and students. All theses and dissertations will be added to the Scholarship Repository.
This form is required and allows you to determine when your thesis will be accessible. Please discuss this with your thesis advisor.
Complete the following steps:
1. Fill out the ETD Access Form, including your thesis/dissertation title and the reason for the embargo, if requested.
2. Sign the form.
3. Obtain your thesis advisor’s signature.
4. Return this form to the Graduate Programs Office.
Student Fi
rst Name: Student Last Name:
ID Number: Email:
Title of Thesis/Dissertation:
Select access Option 1 or Option 2
5!Option 1: Immediate worldwide access - The thesis will be freely available on the Internet to all users. (Recommended)
5 Option 2: Embargoed access Graduate students and their faculty advisor may request to embargo the release of
their thesis or dissertation for up to 2 years (or longer by special request). The Embargoed Access Option is recommended
if, for example, you plan to submit patent application or publication (although most publishers will not automatically dismiss
papers derived from online theses). The thesis will not be available to anyone outside Florida Tech for (choose only one
time period and indicate your justification):
5 Six months from graduation
Embargo Justification. Need time for:
5 One year from graduation
5 Publishing process
5 Two years from graduation
5 Patent filing process
(see: http://www.fit.edu/ipd/inventors/)
5 Other (please specify):
5 Other (please specify):
Student Signature Date
Thesis Advisor Signature Thesis Advisor (print name)
Florida Institute of Technology
Evans Library
150 West University Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901-6975
(321) 674-8086
Fax (321) 724-2559