NCAL or SCAL - Senior Advantage - Group Page 3 of 5
Last Name First Name
6. Are you a resident in a long-term care facility, such as a nursing home? Yes No
If yes, please provide the following information:
Name of institution:
Address of institution (number and street): Phone Number:
- -
7. Requested effective date (subject to CMS approval):
/ /
Please check one of the boxes below if you would prefer that we send you information in a language other than English
or in an accessible format:
Spanish Large Print Braille CD
Please contact Kaiser Permanente at 1-800-443-0815 if you need information in an accessible format or language other than what
is listed above. Our office hours are seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.TTY users should call 711.
Please complete the information below
If you currently have Kaiser Permanente coverage through more than one employer or union/trust fund, you must choose ONE
employer or union/trust fund from which to receive your Senior Advantage coverage. Complete the information for that employer
or union/trust fund below.
Employer Group/Union/Trust Fund Name:
Employer Group/Union/Trust Fund ID #: Subgroup: Requested effective date (subject to CMS approval):
/ /
Please Read and Sign Below
By completing this enrollment application, I agree to the following:
Kaiser Permanente is a Medicare Advantage plan and has a contract with the Federal government. I will need to keep my
Medicare Part B, however some employer groups require both Parts A and B. I can only be in one Medicare Advantage plan at a
time and I understand that my enrollment in this plan will automatically end my enrollment in another Medicare health plan. It
is my responsibility to inform you of any prescription drug coverage that I have or may get in the future. I understand that if I
don’t have Medicare prescription drug coverage, or creditable prescription drug coverage (as good as Medicare’s), I may have to
pay a late enrollment penalty if I enroll in Medicare prescription drug coverage in the future. I may leave this plan at any time by
sending a request to Kaiser Permanente or by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227 or TTY 1-877-486-2048), 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. However, before I request disenrollment, I will check with my group or union/trust fund to determine if I am
able to continue my group membership.
I understand that if I currently have Kaiser Permanente coverage through more than one employer or union/trust fund, I must
choose one of these coverage options for my Senior Advantage plan because I can be enrolled in only one Senior Advantage plan
at a time. My other employer or union/trust fund may allow me to enroll in one of their non-Medicare plans as well. I will contact
the benefit administrators at each of my employers or union/trust funds to understand the coverage that I am entitled to before I
make a decision about which employer’s or union/trust fund’s plan to select for my Senior Advantage plan.
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