Carteret Community College
3505 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557-2989
(Please read before May 8, 2014)
*Arrive at the Student Center by
5:30 p.m. on May 8! You need to get your lineup assignment and be
standing in line at 5:40 p.m.
*You will be lined up for the processional by the Registrar and staff who will be verifying information.
This is necessary to ensure the speaker announces you appropriately.
*You will be led to the Civic Center by a student marshal. Please walk in a quiet, dignified manner and
do not stop to talk to family and friends. Leave a little space between you and the person in front of
you. VERY IMPORTANT: Stay in the order that you have been placed.
*When you reach your row, slide all the way down and don't leave empty chairs. Be sure to stay in the
row to which you are assigned.
For example, if you are in the first position in the second row in the Student Center, then you will be in
the first seat in the second row at the Civic Center.
*Remain standing until all graduates are in place and the speaker instructs you to be seated.
*A student marshal will indicate when it is time for your row to approach the stage. When it is your
turn, climb the stairs of the stage. Wait until your name is read, then proceed across the stage to the
Division Director for your degree area and shake their hand. Then proceed to the Vice President of
Instruction and Student Support, Dr. Fran Emory, who will shake your right hand and hand you a scroll in
your left hand. Finally, proceed to the President, Kerry Youngblood, and shake his hand.
*Exit the other end of the stage and return to your seat and remain standing until the entire row has
returned. The marshals will cue you to be seated as a row.
*After the benediction, the dignitaries on the stage will exit first, then the faculty and staff, and then the
graduates. The student marshal will lead you out in the same order that you entered. Wait in your row
until it is your turn to exit.
*The Degree completers for spring semester should return to the Student Center where
you lined up to receive your degrees. Everyone else may disperse once you are out of
the building.
An Equal Opportunity Education Intuition Serving the Community without Regard to Race, Creed, Sex,
National Origin, or Disability
Revised by TBC 09/30/2013