In the event some of the information is confidential and you do not list it on the expense report, you must keep a complete personal
record of it for possible examination by a revenue agent or corporate auditor.
An employee need not report on his/her tax return any business expenses such as travel, meals, and lodging away from his home, or other
business expenses for which he/she is required to account to his/her employer and for which he/she is reimbursed.
To comply with the reporting requirements of the travel expense laws and regulations, the following instructions must be followed to help you
avoid personal income tax issues when audited by the Internal Revenue Service.
Prepare a report for each business trip. The report should be prepared from a diary or other record in which expenses are entered
daily. This record should be retained by employee for four years.
Your report must be filed with the Coding and Funds Verification Department for audit and reimbursement within five days after
completion of your trip. If you owe a balance from money advanced to you, it must be submitted by check, money order, or vault
deposit with your report. DO NOT SUBMIT CASH.
Receipts must be obtained, scanned, and attached for all lodging and transportation. Original receipts must be attached for all
business meals including the names of those dining and purpose of the business meal. Original receipts must be attached for all other
The travel expense regulations require that items purchased on credit cards be accounted for and entered on the expense voucher.
Therefore, detailed information regarding each charge must be entered in the space provided and copies of charge tickets and original
receipts must be scanned and attached to this report.
When you pay expenses for another employee, or entertain a person who is not an employee, indiciate the other person by
alphabetical reference. This report is presumed to cover your individual expenses only, unless otherwise stated.
When two or more employees travel together, each employee should pay his/her individual expenses when practicable and file
individual Employee Expense Vouchers.