Please describe the reason you are requesting assistance from our program:
Have you received funding from our Division in the past year? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Please note: By submitting this application, you are attesting that you are requesting assistance
from the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Education Division. You understand that this assistance is
not continual nor is it an avenue that should be sought out every year. This assistance is
conditional and based upon the availability of funds.
Applicant’s Rights and Responsibilities:
I have read this application in its entirety or it has been read to me. I have willingly completed
this application and truthfully answered the indicated questions. I authorize the SRMT Education
Division staff to make any investigation necessary to verify the answers given, and to obtain
information required to determine eligibility for assistance. By signing below, I certify the above
to be true, complete, and accurate.
________________________________________ ________________________________
Signature of Applicant Date