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Educational Program Proposal
This form is to be used to propose programs that do not connect to or complement existing curriculum.
Refer to AP 4023 for guidelines in completion of this request form.
Once this form is submitted electronically, it is routed to the Chairs of the Educational Program Review
Committee. The Committee convenes on an ad hoc basis and provides an opportunity within 30 calendar days
for Educational Program Proposals to be presented and considered by the Committee.
The Educational Program Review Committee will make a recommendation to the Chief Instructional Officer and
will share a copy of this recommendation with the initiator within 10 calendar days of the Committee’s
recommendation submission.
Why is the program needed and how does it relate to the College mission?
o How does the program fit with the College’s existing vision?
o How does this program enhance the College’s vision?
Proposed Program: Date:
Initiator Name (individual completing this form):
Email Address:
Phone Number:
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o What potential gap(s) in the College’s programs does this program fill?
o How does this program improve students’ capacity to transfer and/or earn a living?
What is the anticipated outcome of the program (e.g., transfer, workforce development, CTE, etc.)?
o What is the goal of the program? Please check all that apply:
Locally approved certificate
18+ unit certificate
Associate Degree
Undergraduate/Baccalaureate Degree
o How many courses may this program include?
Provide a proposed list and description of courses anticipated for the program.
o In what discipline/school might this program most logically reside?
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o What is the anticipated duration of the program?
Number of weeks
External requirements
Anticipated start date of the program
Please identify any critical time considerations
o For CTE programs:
Will the program lead to an industry-recognized credential? If yes, what level(s)?
What labor market information (local, regional, state, other) supports the need for this
o http://www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov/cgi/databrowsing/occexplorerqsselecti
o http://www.coeccc.net/supply-demand/index.asp
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What regional employer engagement exists or may be pursued in support of this program?
Describe the establishment of an advisory committee and need for external state or national
regulatory accreditation or approval.
What is the anticipated enrollment for this program?
How do you envision this program may impact other programs at the College?
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What resources are needed to ensure this program is successful? Please include space/facilities, equipment,
supplies, etc. Additionally, please identify anticipated one-time and ongoing costs.
Provide an analysis of staffing needs (projected faculty needs, classified support, designation of a program
director (if applicable) and availability of qualified faculty and staff. Include the minimum qualifications and
faculty service area(s) for faculty teaching in the proposed program and an estimation of their teaching load.
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If external funding for this program exists, what is the source and duration of this funding?
Identify similar programs, and please provide links to or a copy of the program overview if available.
o Please identify whether a similar program exists within San Bernardino and/or Riverside Counties.
o Resource: http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator
What is the extent of the dialogue with individuals and colleagues related to this program proposal?
What community/industry partnerships exist or are envisioned?
Please provide any other concluding information that may support development of this program (i.e. rationale
for program for which current labor market data does not reflect demand).