Adult Basic Education
(November 2006)
Name: _________________________________Outreach Location:_______________
1. How do you recruit new students?
2. Do you feel comfortable helping students complete the registration form,
educational goal plan and age waiver forms (when applicable)?
________Yes _____No
3. Do you have an orientation for new students? If yes, please describe.
________Yes _____No
4. Are you comfortable administering the pre & post TABE, Best Plus and Best
Literacy examinations?
________Yes _____No
a. Would you be interested in pursuing a Best Plus certification course?
________Yes _____No
5. Have you mastered registering students on PLATO? _____Yes ____No
How frequently do you use PLATO with your students?
6. How would you rate your GED tutoring skills in the following areas:
Writing & Grammar:
Social Studies:
7. Do you administer the GED Pretest after the Post TABE test? ___Yes ___No
8. Do you send all required paperwork in on a monthly basis; inclusive of
instructor timesheets, student attendance records, intake forms, educational
goal plans and test scores when applicable? _____Yes ____ No