Adult Basic Education
(November 2006)
Name: _________________________________Outreach Location:_______________
1. How do you recruit new students?
2. Do you feel comfortable helping students complete the registration form,
educational goal plan and age waiver forms (when applicable)?
________Yes _____No
3. Do you have an orientation for new students? If yes, please describe.
________Yes _____No
4. Are you comfortable administering the pre & post TABE, Best Plus and Best
Literacy examinations?
________Yes _____No
a. Would you be interested in pursuing a Best Plus certification course?
________Yes _____No
5. Have you mastered registering students on PLATO? _____Yes ____No
How frequently do you use PLATO with your students?
6. How would you rate your GED tutoring skills in the following areas:
Writing & Grammar:
Social Studies:
7. Do you administer the GED Pretest after the Post TABE test? ___Yes ___No
8. Do you send all required paperwork in on a monthly basis; inclusive of
instructor timesheets, student attendance records, intake forms, educational
goal plans and test scores when applicable? _____Yes ____ No
Please Choose One
Please Choose One
Please Choose One
Please Choose One
Please Choose One
9. Do you maintain an organized record system that clearly ‘tracks’ all students
progress? _____ Yes ____ No
10. Have you attended any regional and/or local professional development
seminars/workshops, etc. in the past year? _____Yes ____ No
If yes, please list.
11. What would you consider your greatest strengths?
12. A. What area(s) do you feel you could improve upon?
B. How can EWC help you improve any areas of potential weakness(es)?
13. Please state three goals that you have for yourself and your center for the
upcoming year.
14. What could EWC do for you and your program that would help improve the
overall program?