(Please complete and send to Human Resources, MS 3150)
*SE ID __________________ *Name ______________________________________________________________
Last First MI
*Position _____________ *Suffix _______ *Year _________ *Pay ID _________ * Pay No __________
Note: Total % must equal 100
*Name of person to call with questions regarding this form (please print):
*Index Fund Org *Account Program Amount
Print Signature Extension Date
Earnings requested using this form will be paid in the next available payroll cycle.
If you would like to request a special check to be issued outside of the regular payroll cycle, please contact
Payroll at x2085 or x2205. Fields marked with a * are required fields.
Labor Distribution Override
Earnings Request Form
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Earnings Request Form Instructions
This form is used to request employee payments by earning code to be input by HR staff during a
regular time entry window. General uses of the form are as follows:
When department staff is unavailable during time entry
To process “other” types of pay for faculty and staff.
In instances, when departments do not have access to the timesheet org in Banner.
Additional hours paid to part-time nonexempt employees
Departments may deem it appropriate to pay additional hours to part-time employees.
Additional hours up to 40 hours worked a week must be processed as straight-time using the earn
code OTS.
Retroactive payments due to late paperwork
For employees not set up in a secondary job, payroll will enter the earn code on the employee
record for another department. Use earn code RGH for hourly employee or RGS for salaried
employee. Year and Pay Number should reflect the pay period time was worked.