Student Services
Admissions & Records
Revised A&R 3-1-17
Early Admissions Approval Form
Fall 20 Spring 20 Summer 20
The Early Admissions program offers educational opportunities for academically qualified high school
students, including home schooled students. To participate in the program, the student must complete
and submit the following documents to the Admissions and Records Office:
1. Online UH System Application
2. Early Admissions Approval Form
3. Health Requirements
4. The State of Hawai`i Department of Education Exceptions to Compulsory Education Form 4140
Last First MI
Current Grade Level: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Expected Graduation Date:
Applicant and Parent/Legal Guardian understand the following:
1. Enrollment is on a space available basis.
2. Regular tuition and fees will be assessed.
3. The Early Admissions Approval Form is valid for one semester only (A new form must be submitted each
semester for continued participation in the program).
4. Enrollment exceeding two courses per semester will require approval from the Vice Chancellor of
Student Affairs.
5. Student is permitted to register only into the course(s) listed above.
6. Credits and grades will appear on your permanent KCC transcript.
Applicant's Signature Date
Parent/Legal Guardian's Signature Date
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