EVC Overall GPA Calculations: Units Att Grade Cum
w/ grades Points GPA
Prior to Academic Renewal:
After Academic Renewal:
Students who wish to petition for Academic Renewal must meet the following requirements:
The maximum number of units to be disregarded from GPA calculations shall be no more than 24 semester
units at San Jose City College and no more than 24 semester units at Evergreen Valley College. Students
do not have to select all of the courses taken in one semester for renewal; students may choose specific
courses from more than one semester or term for this purpose.
The student’s cumulative GPA after the most recent semester to be renewed will be used to determine eligibility
for Academic Renewal. GPAs will not be rounded up.
Courses previously applied toward a degree in SJECCD are not eligible for academic renewal.
A graded course successfully repeated (with a grade of “C” or higher) to alleviate substandard
academic work (per Section 55042 of Title 5) is not eligible for academic renewal.
Students may only petition one time for academic renewal per college. Students do not have to be
urrently enrolled in SJECCD to petition for academic renewal.
When previously recorded, substandard course work is disregarded in the computation of grade point average,
the permanent academic record (transcript) shall be annotated in such a manner that all work remains legible,
insuring a true and complete academic history. Academic renewal actions are permanent and irreversible.
cademic Renewal granted by SJECCD does not guarantee that special programs or other institutions will
honor such actions. The determination will be made by the respective p rog ram or transfer institution and
is the responsibility of the student to research. Specifically, if Academic Renewal is used to earn an
Associate Degree for Transfer (especially to establish a CSU-transferable GPA of at least 2.0), the college
awarding the AD-T (SJCC or EVC) cannot guarantee that a CSU will accept this degree for transfer purposes.
Students should check with the CSU campus(es) to which they are applying.
inancial Aid in SJECCD does not honor/allow Academic Renewal in the evaluation of Satisfactory Academic
Progress (SAP). Grade point average computation for graduation with honors or other awards uses all
work, including course work approved for academic renewal.
Academic Renewal is handled separately by each college for courses taken at that specific college. Students
will request a one-hour appointment with a counselor to complete and submit the petition for Academic
Renewal for that college. If a student wants to request Academic Renewal at both colleges, the student needs
to meet separately with a counselor from each college and submit a separate petition to each college.
Students must bring official transcripts to the appointment(s) if using coursework from another college or
university to establish eligibility for the renewal. The completed petition is submitted to the college
Admissions and Records Office by the counselor from that college. The student must receive a response to
the request for Academic Renewal within ten (10) business days.
(CK 7/10/20)
Admissions Signature of Implementation: Date:
Student and Counselor notified via email on by .