Issue: June 2008
Name of Event:
Date(s) of Event:
Estimated No’s Attending:
Over 16
16 and below
Responsible Person in Charge:
Address for Person in Charge:
Contact No for Person in Charge:
Identified Potential Risk
Mitigating Action Planned
Form completed by:
Notes for Completion of Event Risk Assessment Proforma
Completion of the Risk Assessment is not intended to be an onerous task. It is just intended to try and help you
identify some of the unwanted things that might happen during you event and help you put in place some simple
actions to help mitigate the risks should they occur.
First consider the nature of your event and the unwanted events that could occur at such an event. Next consider
what you could do to help you cope with such an event should it happen. It is quite possible for your event to
have no risks and hence no actions are required. In such cases the completion of the top half of the form
demonstrates that you have at least thought about it. If you run a regular event which is always of a similar
nature then one Event Risk Assessment Proforma can be used to cover all the events.
Some examples are shown below. While several possible mitigating actions are shown you do not need to choose
all of them or even the ones shown; you could choose others:
Kids Party
Identified Potential Risk
Possible Mitigating Actions
Children may injure themselves during play or be taken
First Aid Kit available
First Aider available
Mobile phone to contact parents/guardian, emergency
services, if needed
An adult supervisor for every 10 children.
Football Match
Identified Potential Risk
Possible Mitigating Actions
Players be may injured
Spectators may be injured
First Aid Kit available
First Aider available
Mobile phone to contact relatives, emergency services,
if needed
Ground Stewards
Identified Potential Risk
Possible Mitigating Actions
Risk of fire
Risk of burns
Suitable fire extinguishers available (Foam)
First Aid Kit available
First Aider available
Mobile phone to contact emergency services, if needed
Ground Stewards
The above examples are only intended to demonstrate the sort of occurrences a Risk Assessment should contain.
Each event will create its own risks depending on what you are planning to do and it is not possible to provide
examples that would cover every eventuality. You may also see other risks and/or mitigating actions to those
mentioned above which could be equally valid.
If you need further advice please contact a member of the Parish Council, the Parish Clerk or Asst. Clerk.