Arkansas Tech University
Revised 9/4/19
DEADLINE: September 13 @ 5p.m.
eTech Online Certification Application
Please submit completed application to:
Jennifer Lackie, RPL 326
Please list all courses (and number of sections) you will be teaching in the upcoming semester:
Please rank your interest in these topics (1 – highest, 6 – lowest):
_____ Assessing student achievement online
_____ Blackboard How to’s
_____ Face to face vs. online – what’s different?
_____ Meeting the needs of all students
_____ Student interaction online
_____ Technology best practices
Rationale for
(Why are you interested in this faculty development? Be specific.)
Have you previously taught
If so, what challenges did you face?
Which of your courses would
you be most interested in
moving online?
Do you have a specific concern regarding moving this course online?
Approvals, Notifications, and Understandings
I understand this application is not complete unless signed by myself, my Department Chair, and my Dean.
I understand that I am required to attend all classes and complete all assignments as part of the course.
I understand that I must successfully complete all course assignments to be eligible for the technology incentive.
Faculty Member