The ESF Career Fellowships are intended
to promote the career and professional
development of students at the State
University of New York College of
Environmental Science and Forestry.
These Fellowships are made po
ssible by
the generous donations of alumni and
supporters of the college, who are
committed to solving environmental
challenges, and supporting students who
strive to do the same.
The ESF Career Fellowships support
internships, interdisciplinary projects, and
conference attendance for undergraduate
and graduate students. ESF Career
Fellows are exceptional students who
seek to pursue experiences that can truly
shape their development. With the help
of the ESF Career Fellowships, the chance
to pursue career dreams can become a
Fellowship applicants must demonstrate:
• Dedication to the environment and
their field of study;
Passion and enthusiasm for their
proposed experience;
Demonstrated promise in pursuing their
career goals; and
Ability to plan and follow through with a
professional experience.
Applicants must provide evidence of their
exceptional engagement in their field of
study, as well as their intention to pursue a
career in it.
The ESF Career Fellowships provide financial
support to undergraduate and graduate
students who have completed at least one full
semester at SUNY-ESF. Students must be
full-time, in good standing with the College,
and be returning to campus for at least one
semester following the experience.
Amount of Support
The ESF Career Fellowships process provides
funding to students based on merit and
identified need. Support will vary depending
on the experience proposed. Awards can
range from $200 - $6,000.
Fellowships to be Awarded in 2018-2019
We are excited to offer the following
Fellowship opportunities this year:
Cotton Fellowship
Fink Fellowship
Robert M. Sand ’50 Internship Fund
Multiple awards are given as a part of each
Fellowship. It i
s also possible that
the process
depending on time of the donation.
ESF Career Fellowships
ESF CareerFellowships—InternshipApplicaon2
ESF Career Fellowships
Internship Application Requirements
Application Cover Page
Personal information and information specific to the internship, including the site, internship
faculty sponsor, internship site supervisor, duration of the internship and internship summary.
Provide an introduction to your internship and why it is important. Be sure to include internship
goals and objectives, what you're proposing to do, supervision/evaluation of internship, and
your professional ambitions/career goals. 1 page limit.
Budget Justification
The requested funds should match the duration of the internship. This is calculated using the
maximum hourly rate ($12/hour), the number of hours to be dedicated per week (max 40), and
ultimately the total amount of hours and funds necessary for the duration of the internship (max
12 weeks). This amount is for internships done with not-for-profit organizations. The Fellowship
will pay half of this amount for internships done with for-profit organizations.
Letter or Email of Support from Faculty Member (If for credit, typically the Faculty Sponsor)
The faculty member’s statement must explicitly discuss the following: (1) the start and end date
of the internship, (2) the relationship between the internship and the
student’s academic program of study, (3) the work to be accomplished, (4) the name
of the immediate internship host site supervisor, and (5) how the faculty will support
the student. Internships DO NOT need to be done for credit.
Letter of Support from Internship Host Site Supervisor
Statements must be written by the person who will directly supervise the internship, and should
explicitly discuss the following: (1) the start and end date of the internship, (2) the importance
of the internship, (3) the nature of the work to be accomplished, (4) how the internship will be
supervised, and (5) if it is a for-profit organization, an agreement to cover half of the intern pay
($6 per hour).
Resume or CV
Resume or CV should be attached as part of your application.
Unofficial Academic Transcript
Unofficial Academic Transcript should be attached as part of your application.
Please submit completed application to the Career Services Office in 105 Bray Hall or
via e-mail to (PDF) by Friday March 22, 2019 4:30 pm.
Examples of Previously Funded Internships
ESF Career Fellowships
Applicant Signature
Internship Application
Please submit this completed form, internship proposal, budget justification, two letters
of support (faculty member and host site supervisor), unofficial academic transcript,
and resume/CV to the Career Services Office in 105 Bray Hall or via e-mail to by Friday March 22, 2019 4:30 pm.
Last Name ______________________First Name ____________________ M.I.______ Email ___________________________ Cell Phone______________________
Degree Seeking (Associates, Bachelors
, Masters, PhD) __________________________
Anticipated Graduation Date ______________ Credits Complete __________________
Major(s) _______________________________ Minor ________________________
Are you in the Honors Program? Yes No
Internship Organization (Name and Address)
Site Supervisor (Name and E-mail)
Internship Faculty Member (Name and E-mail)
Internship Start Date _______________ Internship End Date __________________
Brief Internship Summary (3-5 bullets on proposed experience):
Salary Provided by Organization: ___________________________________________
Amount Requested from ESF Career Fellowships:______________________________
ESF Career Fellowships
Internship Proposal
Provide an introduction to your internship and why it is important. Be sure to include
internship goals and objectives, what you're proposing
to do, supervision/evaluation of
internship, and your professional ambitions/career goals. 1 page limit.
Internship Budget Justification
Describe how the total request was calculated, NOT how the money will be spent.
Typically this request is calculated in terms of an hourly rate ($/hour), number of hours
to be dedicated per week or per task, and ultimately the total amount of hours and
funds necessary for the duration of the internship. If it is a for-profit organization, the
funding request should be halved.
Length of
Example: Internship with
Plenitud Iniciativas
Ecoeducativas in Puerto
Rico learning permaculture
40 hours/week
12 weeks