HR/Leaves 2020-04
Date of Requested Extension (if applicable):
CSU Temporary Leaves (employee to select)
The CSU has implemented three temporary paid leave programs to ensure salary continuation for eligible employees. To access these
programs, employees must select the applicable leave type (TLP, CPAL or NTWL), complete and submit the signed request form to their campus
Human Resources department prior to the start of the applicable leave.
Coronavirus Temporary Leave Program (TLP): In accordance with Chancellor White’s March 17, 2020 message to employees of the need to
telecommute as a safeguard against the coronavirus, he acknowledged special considerations are to be given to employees age 65 or older
and/or who have a chronic medical condition(s). This section should be completed by employees who are unable to telecommute and who are
age 65 or older and/or who have a chronic medical disease/condition.
I am unable to work because I have been directed by my appropriate administrator not to come to the worksite and it is not operationally
feasible for me to work remotely and I meet the following Special Consideration(s):
One (1)
Qualifying Reasons to Use Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) Temporary Leave Program (TLP)
I Have a Chronic Medical Condition [A chronic medical disease/condition is broadly defined by the CENTER FOR DISEASE
CONTROL and PREVENTION (CDC) as one that is typically expected to last 1 year or more, requires ongoing medical
attention, and limits the activities of daily living.].
Coronavirus Paid Administrative Leave Program (CPAL): In accordance with HR Letter 2020-04, most employees (exempt and non-exempt)
including student employees are eligible to receive a one-time allotment of up to 32 days (256 hours) of paid administrative leave from March
23, 2020, through December 31, 2020, that can only be used due to COVID-19 related absences, subject to the following conditions:
• All hours must be used by close of business on December 31, 2020 at which time any remaining allotted hours will expire.
• The hours may be used at any time during this designated period including intermittently, in consultation with the appropriate
administrator, provided that such use shall not adversely affect the delivery of essential university services.
• The number of hours of paid administrative leave for employees who work less than full-time shall be prorated according to the employee’s
percent or timebase of their appointment.
One (1)
Qualifying Reasons to Use Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) Temporary Paid Administrative Leave (CPAL)
I am unable to work due to my own COVID-19-related illness.
I am unable to work or work remotely due to my family member’s COVID-19 related illness. (For purposes of this paid
leave, family member includes those I would normally be able to use sick leave for.)
I am unable to work because I have been directed by my healthcare provider not to come to the worksite for COVID-19-
related reasons.
I am unable to work because I have been directed by my appropriate administrator not to come to the worksite and it is
not operationally feasible for me to work remotely.
I am unable to work due to a COVID-19-related school or daycare closure and I am required to be at home with a child
or dependent, and it is not operationally feasible for me to work remotely or in conjunction with the childcare
Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)
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