Stacey Copeland and Hannah McGregor
What are the questions driving your story?
What is your topic? What is the story you want to tell?
Use this template to plan the story, structure, and audio needed to bring each
podcast episode to life. Make use of the text boxes provided or expand on
each question in your podcast journal. Modify or add questions to t your
specic needs.
Pick one key question from those above to drive your story, then respond
to the following prompts about that version of the story.
A Guide to Academic Podcasting
What is the overall tone or mood?
What is the structure? How will the series begin and end?
Is there a host or narrator other than you? What is their role?
Will you be interviewing anyone? Who? Where? How often will
interviews appear in the series?
What equipment/resources will you need (e.g. microphone,
recording space, recording device, headphones, computer, editing
software, hosting service, etc.)? Do you have access to these
You’ve now determined a story, a driving question, and a sense of the tape
and resources you need. Before moving into episode production, be sure to
schedule episode tasks and update your podcast budget as needed.
Describe the tape you will need (e.g. voices, sounds eects, music,