Asset Information
Do not leave blank. Indicate zero or Not Applicable (N/A) if appropriate.
Student Asset
Parent Asset
Each person signing below certifies that all of the information
reported is complete and correct. The student and one parent
whose information was reported on the FAFSA must sign and date.
Student’s Signature Date
Parent’s Signature Date
Office of Financial Aid
In-Person locations: Service EMU 240 McKenny Hall | 268 Student Center
Email: financial_aid@emich.edu | Fax: (734) 487-4281
Mailing Address: 403 Pierce Hall, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
As of the date you filed the 2017-2018 FAFSA, what is your
total current balance of cash, savings and checking
Do not include student financial aid.
As of the date you filed the 2017-2018 FAFSA, what is the net worth of
your investments, including real estate? Net worth means current value
minus debt.
Investments include: real estate (do not include the home in which you
live), rental property, trust funds, UGMA/UTMA accounts, money market
funds, mutual funds, certificates of deposit, stocks, stock options, bonds,
other securities, Coverdell savings accounts, 529 college savings plans.
Do not include the value of life insurance; retirement plans (pension funds,
annuities, non-educational IRAs, Keogh plans, etc).
As of the date you filed the 2017-2018 FAFSA, what is the net
worth of your current businesses and/or investment farms?
Business or farm value includes the current market value of land, buildings,
machinery, equipment, inventory, etc. Do not include the net worth of a
family owned and controlled small business with not more than 100 full-
time or full-time equivalent employees.
WARNING: If you purposely give false or
misleading information you may be fined,
be sentenced to jail, or both.