Pursuant to Section 6-113.2 of the Education Article, Annotated Code of Maryland
Name of Current or Former Employer:
The Applicant named below is under consideration for a position with our entity. The State of Maryland requires that information
must be obtained from current/former employers to ensure the safety of our students. The Applicant has reported previous
employment with your entity. Please provide the information requested on this form within 20 calendar days as required by law
to the prospective employer indicated at the bottom of the second page of this form. If you answer yes to any of these questions,
you will need to provide additional information as requested by our entity.
Applicant’s Name (First, Middle, Last): _____________________________________________________________________________
Any former names:
Dates of Employment of Applicant: ____________________________ to ___________________________
Positions Held by Applicant: _____________________________________________________________________________________
To the best of your knowledge, has the Applicant named on this form ever:
Been the subject of a child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct investigation by any school system employer (unless
the investigation resulted in a finding by the school system, the board of education, or an arbitrator that the
allegations lacked sufficient evidence according to the policies of the employer)?
Been the subject of a child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct investigation by any non-school system employer
(unless the investigation resulted in a finding that the allegations lacked sufficient evidence according to the
policies of the employer)?
Been the subject of a child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct investigation by any state licensing agency (unless
the investigation resulted in a finding that the allegations lacked sufficient evidence according to state law or the
policies of the school system or nonpublic school employer)?
Been the subject of a child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct investigation by any law enforcement agency (unless
the investigation was closed without charges or resulted in a finding that the allegations were unfounded)?
Been the subject of a child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct investigation by any child protective services agency
(unless the investigation resulted in a finding that the allegations were ruled out or the allegations were screened
Been disciplined, discharged, nonrenewed, or asked to resign from employment, or resigned from or otherwise
separated from any employment while allegations of child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct were pending or
were under investigation, or due to an adjudication or findings of child sexual abuse or misconduct?
Had a license, professional license, or certification suspended, surrendered, or revoked while allegations of child
sexual abuse or sexual misconduct were pending or under investigation, or due to an adjudication or findings of
child abuse or sexual misconduct?
I decline to answer because: it is against the laws of my state; I am restricted by a contract entered into before June 30, 2019.
Name of Employer Representative
Signature of Employer Representative
Under Maryland law, a person acting in good faith may not be held liable for disclosing any information or records related to child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct about a
current or former employee’s professional conduct or reason for termination of employment in accordance with the law unless the person acted with actual malice toward the
employee or former employee or intentionally or recklessly disclosed false information about the employee or former employee. This immunity from liability shall be in addition
to and not a limitation of any other immunity provided by law or any absolute or conditional privilege applicable to the disclosure of information or records or the Applicant’s
consent to the disclosure. Willful failure to respond to or provide the information requested on this form may result in civil penalties or professional discipline.
Rev 3.11.2020