I certify that all information given on this application and any supporting information is true and complete
and I authorize a complete investigation. I agree that, if hired, I may be discharged if the County at any time
learns of any falsification or material omission in the information I have provided and if discovered prior to hire, I
would be ineligible for consideration for not only this position but future positions as well. I authorize the County
to contact all former and current employer references listed and all educational institutions.
I understand that a consumer report regarding my credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity,
character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living, whichever are applicable, may be
obtained for employment purposes from a consumer reporting agency.
I authorize all references to release to Yamhill County all information requested which they might have
about me. I hereby release all references and Yamhill County from any liability which might be claimed because
of information provided by such references.
I agree that, if hired, I will follow all County policies, rules, procedures and all other directions. I
understand I may terminate my employment at any time and for any reason without prior notice. I agree that if I
am hired, I will be employed at the will of Yamhill County, and my employment can be terminated at any time,
with or without notice, subject to applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement or other processes as defined in
county policy.
I understand Yamhill County is committed to promoting safety and high standards of employee
performance, productivity and reliability and that in order to achieve this, all finalists may be subjected to a drug
test prior to being hired to assure the County the applicants do not currently have narcotics, sedatives,
stimulants, and other controlled substances and/or hallucinogenic in their bodies. I understand that if I have any
such substance in my body at the time of the drug test, the County will not hire me. I further understand that at
any time during my employment with Yamhill County, my supervisor or any other manager may require, as a term
and condition of continued employment, a substance test if they have a reasonable suspicion that I am under the
influence of any substance that might result in harm to myself or to others.
I further understand that if I am selected as a finalist for any position with Yamhill County, the County may
do an investigation of criminal convictions. Note for Health and Human Service Applicants: ORS 443.004 is
now in effect for individuals hired on or after July 28, 2009 or who were subject to a background check on or after
July 28, 2009. It directly impacts the background check process. In this legislation, public funds may not be used
to support, in whole or in part, the employment in any capacity of individuals in certain positions if the individual
has specific convictions.
I understand the County reserves the right to add to, change, and/or delete its policies, procedures, work
rules and benefits at any time and that no one in the County has the authority to enter into any agreement for any
particular period of time or contrary to the above terms, unless that agreement is set forth in writing and signed by
the Yamhill County Board of Commissioners.
I have read and understand the above information.
X______________________________________ ______________________
NOTE: An applicant’s signature on this statement is a requirement of the application process. No further
consideration will be given to any application submitted without signature.
Return application to:
Yamhill County Employment
Office Location: 434 NE Evans Street, McMinnville
Mailing address: 535 NE 5th Street, McMinnville, Oregon 97128
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