I, _______________________________ hereby authorize Georgia Piedmont Technical College (GPTC), in the
event of an emergency, to seek medical treatment (or contact 911 if necessary) for my child________________
_______________. If GPTC is unable to contact me immediately, GPTC is authorized to ensure my child is
transported to an appropriate medical resource and GPTC shall be authorized to secure such medical
attention and care for my child as may be necessary.
I agree to assume responsibility of payment for such services and emergency treatment.
GPTC will not administer any drug or any medication without specific instructions from the physician or the
child's parent, guardian, or full-time custodian.
Emergency Protocol Procedures will be:
1. Contact parent/guardian listed
2. Contact emergency contact(s) if parent/guardian cannot be reached
3. Call emergency medical team if necessary (911- first if needed)
4. Transport child via emergency medical team to nearest hospital, or
Parent Hospital Preference_____________________________ Phone #________________
Address _______________________________ City ______________________ ST ___ Zip ________
Please read and initial the following statements:
_____ I understand that I must check my child's health every morning
to leaving for the GPTC Remote
Learning Center
_____ I understand that if my child exhibits any of the following symptoms: a temperature of 100.4 degrees or
higher, congestion or runny nose, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, diarrhea, headache,
muscle pain and fatigue, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, chills, new loss of taste or smell, I
send my
child to the GPTC Remote Learning Center.
_____ I understand that if my child was in close contact-within 6 feet for 15 minutes, with or without mask-of
someone with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last two weeks, or of someone getting a test
or waiting for test results, I
send my child to the GPTC Remote Learning Center.
_____ I understand that if my child cannot attend for any of the reasons above, that I should notify the GPTC
Remote Learning Center.
_____ I understand that masks are required on all GPTC campuses, including Digital Learning Centers
_____ I understand that my child must bring their own lunch, and technology (laptop/Chromebook and
charger, headphones), and must be able to perform basic functions such as powering on, connecting to the
Internet, browsing to their school's remote learning site.
_____ I understand that I (or the emergency contacts listed) may be contacted if my child exhibits any
disciplinary issues. Disciplinary issues may result in your child being dismissed from the GPTC Remote
Learning Center for the day.
_____ I understand that my child must be picked up no later than 3:30 pm. I will be assessed $1.00 per
minute for late pick ups.
Parent/Guardian Signature
GPTC Employee Signature
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