Rvs. 2/2019
Selected Material Information (fill in applicable fields only)
Title: _____________________________________________________________________
Author: ___________________________________________________________________
Publisher: _________________________________________________________________
Edition: __________________
ISBN, Stock Number, or URL: _________________________________________________
Format (hardcopy, e-book, open access source, etc.): _______________________________
Price: __________
Added to Covers All Competencies List or Partially Approved List.
All Partially Neither
Evaluated Open Access Textbook and Instructional Materials
(Reviewed only, not necessarily selected)
Title: ______________________________________________________________________
Author: ____________________________________________________________________
Publisher: __________________________________________________________________
Format (hardcopy, e-book, open access source, etc.): _______________________________
ISBN, Stock Number, or URL: _________________________________________________
Edition: __________________
Added to Covers All Competencies List or Partially Approved List.
All Partially Neither
(If required) The Educational Technology Advisory Committee (ETAC) has reviewed and
approved the selection. ETAC will be responsible for documenting its application,
including IT approval, FERPA compliance, and ADA compliance.
Coordination Signatures (only sign applicable fields)
_______________________________ ________________________________ __________________
Originator Electronic Signature Date
____________________________ _____________________________ _______________
Selection Committee Chair Electronic Signature Date
_______________________________ ________________________________ __________________
Cluster Chair Verif. Cluster Vote Electronic Signature Date
___________________________ ____________________________ ________________
Supervising Administrator Electronic Signature Date
(If required) The affected Department Chairs or Program Managers/Coordinators have
been notified by the Administrative Liaison’s office.
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