MS Paper Publication Form
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Wichita State University
All EECS MS thesis students, by the date of their defense, are required to submit, or have ready
to submit, with the approval of their advisor, one paper, that is based on their thesis, to an
external peer-reviewed conference or journal.
This form should be completed by all EECS MS thesis advisors and attached to the WSU
Graduate School MS - Request to Schedule Oral Defense form for EECS.
Student Name: _____________________ ________________________ WSU ID: _________________
Last First
Degree Program: MSEE MSCN MSCS
Thesis Title:
Requested Thesis Oral Defense Date: __________________________
Paper Title:
Paper Submission Date (or expected date of future submission): __________________________
Paper Submission Venue (conference or journal name):
Signature of MS Thesis Advisor: ____________________________ Date: ________________________
Return completed form, along with a copy of the paper, to the EECS Graduate Coordinator.
Form Modified: March 2013