(Typed or Printed)
a. To faithfully pursue a full-time course of study leading to a degree in medicine, osteopathy, dentistry,
veterinary medicine, optometry, podiatry, psychology (doctorate), sanitary engineering, or social work.
b. To be considered a participant in the AMEDD Early Commissioning Program
(AR 601-130).
c. If not assigned to Medical Services Corps, to be detailed thereto for control and accounting purposes.
d. If pursuing a degree in medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, or veterinary medicine, to accept appointment or
reappointment in the Medical, Dental, or Veterinary Corps upon graduation, if offered.
a. If delayed to pursue a degree in medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, podiatry, or optometry,
I will serve on active duty for a period of three
consecutive years.
b. If delayed to pursue a degree in psychology, sanitary engineering, or social work, I will serve on active duty
active duty for a period of four
consecutive years unless a lesser minimum obligation is in effect for my
at the time of entry on active duty.
c. If I received Army scholarship assistance while participating in the ROTC program
(10 USC 2107),
I will
serve on active duty for a period of from 2 to 5 consecutive years as stipulated in my ROTC contract.
Nonscholarship obligation.
2- to 4-year active duty obligation. A period of 8 years as a commissioned
APD LC v1.01ES
DA FORM 591f-R, OCT 1985
officer to include not less than 2 nor more than 4 consecutive years of active duty. The required period of active
duty will be based on the needs of the Army when my delay ends. Upon release from active duty, I will serve the
remainder of the 8-year period in the Ready Reserve.
3. If I should withdraw from the course of study for which delay was approved or fail to qualify for branch
transfer to the Medical, Dental, or Veterinary Corps, I understand and agree to comply with the following active
duty and Reserve participation requirements. Service will be performed in the USAR branch in which originally
appointed from ROTC, unless otherwise directed by the Department of the Army.
2. Having studied the above service requirements, I hereby volunteer for entry on active duty when and if my
services are required. If I am excess to the needs of the Active Army, I will fulfill the remainder of my statutory
obligation by serving satisfactorily in the Ready Reserve. I agree to serve a period of active duty as indicated
e. Branch transfer to the Medical, Dental, or Veterinary Corps of the Reserve of the Army upon graduation
does not bind the United States Army to ordering a period of active duty. Entry on active duty will be contingent
upon Army requirements at the time active duty qualifications are determined.
1. In consideration of my request for educational delay as a special medical program participant, I understand and
agree to comply with the following service requirements if my request is granted:
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