I am paid: Bi-weekly _____ Monthly _____ Date _________________________
I would like to: _____ Sign up for EFT _____ Change EFT information
I ______________________________________, ___________________________ hereby authorize EIU to
Print Name E Number
initiate debit/credit entries to my account at the following depository/depositories (debits will be used for
corrections only). I understand that this authorization will remain in force indefinitely. I also understand that
anytime I change banks and/or account numbers, a new Authorization Agreement form must be completed and
returned to the Payroll Office immediately.
Signature _________________________________________ Phone # _____________________________
Bank Information:
Name ___________________________________ Address________________________________________
Bank Name
City, State
Bank Routing # (ABA#) _________________________ Account # ________________________________
Acct Type: Checking ______ Savings ______ Deposit Amt: Net Pay ______ Amount ____________
Bank Information:
Name ___________________________________ Address________________________________________
Bank Name
City, State
Bank Routing # (ABA#) _________________________ Account # ________________________________
Acct Type: Checking ______ Savings ______ Deposit Amt: Net Pay ______ Amount ____________
Bank Information:
Name ___________________________________ Address________________________________________
Bank Name
City, State
Bank Routing # (ABA#) _________________________ Account # ________________________________
Acct Type: Checking ______ Savings ______ Deposit Amt: Net Pay ______ Amount ____________
Please attach a void check for each checking account listed
Clear Form
Guide for Completing the EFT Form
Be sure to complete:
Bank routing information
The Bank Routing Number or transit ABA is the number in the lower left hand corner
of your check.
Bank Account number is the group of numbers directly to the right.
You do not need your check number
Please choose either Checking or Savings for each bank listed.
Attach a check with the words “VOID” written clearly across the check.
Electronic Funds Transfer of Wages:
Effective July 1, 1997, a University policy requires all new or rehired employees to
participate in direct deposit of their wages as a condition of employment. This is done
by an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to the bank and account of your choice. All
employees enrolled in EFT on that date must continue to participate. You may change
banks or accounts, but cannot discontinue the EFT service during employment.
The account you designate will remain in effect until you change the account in
our office. This includes periods when you do not receive pay. If you change
banks or accounts, please notify the Payroll Office prior to the change. Failure
to do so may cause a delay in receiving your pay.
The attached form must be completed and delivered to the Payroll Office, 2011 Old Main
at the time of hire.
If this form and complete information is received during actual
payroll processing, a change to your direct deposit instructions or a new direct deposit
request may be delayed. Please check with the Payroll office in regards to whether or
not your change or request can be honored with the next scheduled payroll.
Enrollment is a mandatory condition of your employment and payment may be
held if the form is not received in a timely manner.
An Earnings Statement will be delivered to your work department two days prior to the
pay date.
The University is pleased to offer this service as a convenience to our employees. Any
questions about the program may be directed to the Payroll Office at 581-2214 for
employees paid bi-weekly and 581-2118 for employees paid monthly.