To ensure that a student's knowledge base is current at the time the degree is awarded, all credit which exceeds the matriculation limit,
must be revalidated. The matriculation limits for various degrees are as follows:
The time limit for the use of credit toward the master's degree is six years from the date of enrollment in the earliest course applied
toward the degree, including t
ransferred courses.
The time limit for the use of credit toward the education specialist degree is five years from the date of enrollment in the earliest
course applied toward the degree, including transferred courses.
The time limit for completion of the doctoral program by a student who holds the Ed.S. degree or equivalent is five years from the
date of enrollment in the earliest course applied toward the degree, including transferred courses.
The time limit for completion of the doctoral program by students who begin their programs after a bachelor's or master's degree is
seven years from the date of enrollment in the earliest course applied toward the degree, including transferred courses.
When a student requests an extension of time, the advisory committee should review the program of study, identify course workwhich
exceeds the matriculation limit, and make a recommendation for revalidation of expired course work through one or more of the
following options:
Option 1: Examination: The Department or Program may elect to examine the student (orally or in writing) and report the results to the
School of Graduate Studies.
Option 2: Independent Study: The Department or Program may elect to design an independent study if no course currently exists by which
the student may update course content.
Option 3: The student may repeat expired course work.
Option 4: Additional Hours: The Department or Program may assign additional hours of course work to ensure currency of knowledge in
rapidly changing content areas.