Duplicate Degree Request Form
Mail request to: Merced College
Attn: Evaluator, Box 14
3600 M Street
Merced, CA 95348-2806
Or Fax with Credit Card information to: (209)384-6339
The name on your degree or certificate will be re-issued as it originally appeared
Please print legibly.
Last:______________________ First:____________________ Middle:_________________
Street Address: __________________________________________________________
City: _______________________ State: ______________ Zip: ___________
Phone Number: ___________________________
Year of Graduation:____________________ Major: ___________________________
Social Security Number: ________________________
Date of Birth: __________________
Please send $10.00 check or money order made out to Merced College; or to charge to a credit card, list
Visa or Master Card number:
Credit Card Number: _____________________________ Expiration Date: ___________
_________________________________ Date: ____________
Signature (For all Requests)
click to sign
click to edit