Application for duplicate NUI
English/Latin duplicate documentation are charged at €50 each.
Extra authenticated photocopies are charged at €10 each.
(Only available when requesting original qualification in English or Latin.)
Ollscoil na hÉireann
National University of Ireland
Conferrings Office,
49 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2, Ireland
Phone +353 1 439 2424 @NUIMerrionSq
Please complete all sections.
Please write in block capitals.
Provide names exactly as on birth
certificate, or as at college registration
if different.
Please provide if known
Degree/Diploma Title, for example BA
Result, for example 1H or 2.1
Institution, for example UCD or NUIM
Only available when requesting original
qualification in English or Latin.
Data Protection
NUI processes all personal data
transparently and lawfully.
Please refer to NUI’s general Data
Protection Policy, available at
NUI is statutorily obliged to maintain
a Graduate Register. This also forms
the basis of the NUI constituency
register for Seanad Éireann. More
details are available at
Duplicate documents(s) required
First qualification title
Extra authenticated photocopy
Number required (€10 each)
Second qualification title
Extra authenticated photocopy
Number required (€10 each)
I consent to data on this form being used to update my university record.
I declare that the information set out in this application is correct.
I consent to NUI processing my personal data for this specific application and updating my permanent
university record accordingly as part of the NUI Graduate Register.
Unsigned forms may cause a delay in processing
Please do not staple
cheques to this form
Cash is acceptable where payment
is made in person only; otherwise by
crossed cheque, bank draft, money
order, postal order, international
money order – payable to National
University of Ireland.
For office use only
Application type
Credit/Debit card details
REF NUI/GEN/VCOD | 06-2020
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