Due Diligence
Due Diligence handover documentation
(To be used when services are in transition/transferring between areas.)
Guidance notes
This template contains a list of questions/prompts that are designed to ensure
all salient issues are raised as part of the Due Diligence handover. It is not an
exhaustive list and can be added to.
The Due Diligence should be completed by the transferring service to assist the
managers in the receiving service to undertake an impact assessment and to
jointly plan appropriately for the transfer.
It is suggested that once the initial decision based on early scoping is made to
progress the transfer, the Due Diligence process is completed as it will assist in
determining the detail of the change. It should be revisited and updated prior to
the nal transfer taking place.
The information should as appropriate be crosschecked and signed in consultation
with Finance, Quality & Patient Safety, HR, ICT, Estates, Communication and
any other shared/relevant services. It is important that this part of the process is
carefully attended to in order to minimise risk of key information not being formally
handed over.
A date should be agreed from which relevant activity and resource data is used
for the purpose of this Due Diligence exercise.
High level information only is required initially; however, on matters which currently
or may in the future require more signicant management focus, greater detail
should be provided. This may be referenced and attached in the form of additional
supplementary information (reports and spreadsheets).
In the event that Due Diligence is undertaken in respect of a service transfer from
one geographic area to another, boundary/geographic analysis will be required from
a population-impact perspective.
Evidence must be provided of input into the Due Diligence process from senior
Evidence must be provided of input into the Due Diligence process from relevant
specialists/clinical leads as appropriate to the service. Specialists/clinical leads
for example can give an overview of key issues for the client group to the lead
Each template must be signed off by the relevant managers at the appropriate
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide