Dual Enrollment Request Form
Dual Degrees are two degrees that are earned simultaneously when a student is accepted by both department/programs and is approved by the
appropriate academic deans and the Dean of the Graduate School. A student must be admitted to one academic program initially, and after the
first semester, may apply and be accepted to the second-degree program. There is no formal relationship, overlap of credit hours, or sharing
of credit hours between the two degree program requirements in a dual degree situation.*This form needs to be submitted at the correct
time to ensure timely and effective advisement, prior to the graduate student completing 12 credit hours in the second degree program and
before the student has reached the final semester and applied for graduation so there are no delays in graduation clearance.
Student Personal Information
_____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________
First Name Last Name Empl ID #
Current Degree
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Degree Level (i.e., Master’s, Specialist, Doctorate, Professional) Degree Program Name
__________________________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________
Major Name Academic Plan Code (*To be filled out by Dept.) CIP Code (*To be filled out by Dept.)
Degree to be Added
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Degree Level (i.e., Master’s, Specialist, Doctorate, Professional) Degree Program Name
__________________________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________
Major Name Academic Plan Code (*To be filled out by Dept.) CIP Code (*To be filled out by Dept.)
Required Justification and Materials for Dual Enrollment
The student must provide a justification and a rationale for the dual enrollment request. Please attach additional pages, if need be.
Will this dual enrollment request form be submitted prior to the completion of 12 credit hours in the second degree program? Yes No
Are the following materials attached to this form: Yes No
1. A copy of the student’s transcript
2. A program of study from both programs showing the requirements needing to be met
3. A timeline for completion
__________________________________________________________________ ________________________
Student Signature Date
Current Program Approval: (Print name and sign)
Major Professor/Advisor (if applicable): _____________________________________________________ Date:
Department Chair/Unit Head: ______________________________________________________________ Date:
Academic Dean: __________________________________________________________________________ Date:
Second Program Approval: (Print name and sign)
Major Professor/Advisor (if applicable): _____________________________________________________ Date:
Department Chair/Unit Head: ______________________________________________________________ Date:
Academic Dean: __________________________________________________________________________ Date:
Dean of the Graduate School: ______________________________________________________________Date:
Dual Degree Policy Approved 2/19/14 Form Updated: 2/4/20