Name_________________________________ College ID # 900-____________________ Birth date ___________________
__________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________
(Number and Street) (City) (State) (Zip)
College Term __________________ Present Grade________ K-12 School Name _______________________________________
(Subject Code & Number i.e. ENGL R101)
I certify that the information above is valid, this student is enrolled for at least a minimum day at their K-12 campus, and has demonstrated the ability
to benefit from the advanced scholastic or vocational education offered by the college. This recommendation for Dual Enrollment is approved in
compliance with California Ed. Code sections 76000 et seq and 48800 et seq.
Signature of Principal or designee Date Printed Name & Email Address
1. Dual Enrollment students are expected to abide by all college rules and standards of conduct. It is the student’s responsibility to know these rules.
We strongly recommend you review the following with your student:
•The college catalog regarding: student conduct, student grievance, student health services, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.
•The college catalog, registration calendar, and schedule of classes regarding: requirements for admission and deadlines for adding and dropping classes.
•Students are responsible to drop classes. Failure to drop a class by the deadline can result in an “F” grade on your student’s permanent record.
•The potential for course content to be outside of the normal parameters your young student has been exposed to in the K-12 setting.
•Dual enrollment students are exempt from enrollment fees ONLY. All other fees may apply.
2. Although the colleges of the VCCCD are considered to be safe campuses, there have been incidences on and around the campuses that warrant particular
caution where the presence of minors is concerned. In accordance with federal “Right to Know” legislation, crime statistics are available from the Campus
Police Office. The college is generally considered an adult environment, and does not provide special monitoring of minor students on campus. We strongly
recommend the following:
•Make sure your child always has a way to contact you. Classes can be cancelled on very short notice.
•Be sure to pre-arrange a pick-up location in case of any emergencies.
3. Courses taken at a college are intended to supplement the course work your student is taking at the home campus, not to replace it. Students admitted to a
lege are expected to take classes that are not available at their K-12 campus. Courses must be stated and approved on the “Recommendation for Dual
Enrollment” section above by the school official authorized to make recommendations.
4. The coursework completed will be awarded college credit. It is a permanent record and is subject to all standards of scholarship observed by
the college. The courses taken at the college may also be used by your student’s K-12 campus at that school’s discretion. You and your child shoul
er with a counselor at the K-12 campus for more information.
5. The coursework your child completes is subject to the same standards of progress that apply to mainstream students. College policies governing academic
progress, probation and dismissal are found in the college catalog.
6. College courses are designed for adult college students. The content of the course may include adult materials, and discussions may include adult subject
matter. Course content will not be altered because a minor is present in the classroom. Some courses may include physical requirements.
7. Right of access to student records: In compliance with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment), once a student of any age
enters a post-secondary educational institution, the student assumes rights and responsibilities previously conferred upon the parent. Translation: your child
ust complete and sign the application for admission and registration forms, and is responsible for requesting copies of his/her transcript. Student attendanc
progress may not be discussed with the parent unless the student is present or has given written permission.
8. Parent Authorization to Consent to Medical Treatment or Personal Counseling of Minors. I give my permission for emergency first aid and treatment
for my minor child/legal ward. I also give my permission for him/her to be treated by a nurse, nurse practitioner, physician and/or personal counseling i
he Student Health Center at the colleges of Ventura County Community College District (Moorpark/Oxnard/Ventura Colleges).
By signing below I certify that I have read and understand this petition for Dual Enrollment. I authorize Oxnard College to release my final grades and other personally identifiable information
with my school and/or school district under a CCAP and a Non-CCAP agreement. I hereby request that I be allowed to enroll in the community college class(es) recommended above.
Signature of Student
By signing below I certify that I have read, understand, and agree to this Memorandum of Understanding and request Dual Enrollment for my son/daughter be allowed to enroll in the
college course(s) recommended above.
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Parent Printed name Date
www.moorparkcollege.edu www.oxnardcollege.edu www.venturacollege.edu
Ventura County Community College District
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