Drop Appeal Form
Student Name: ________________________________
Student ID: _________________
Instructor Name: ____________________________________________________________
Course Prefix: _________ Weekly Contact Hours: ________
Course Number: _________ Accumulated Absences (Hours): ________
Section Number: _________ Accumulated Tardies: ________
16- Week Course 12 – Week Course 8-Week Course 5 – Week Course
Current Average in Course: _______________
Yes No Has the student exceeded the department’s attendance policy of ________
hours of the total contact hours for the semester?
Yes No Has the student exceeded the college’s attendance policy of 20% of the
total contact hours for the semester?
Yes No Has this student conducted himself/herself with professionalism and
respect in your classroom?
Yes No Are there extenuating circumstances related to the absences?
If yes, explain.
Yes No Do you recommend that this student be readmitted to your class?
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
__________________________ __________________
Instructor’s Signature Date
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