Third Party Authorization
In order for a third party (such as a parent, guardian, partner, sibling, friend) to conduct business with
the university on your behalf (such as paying for your parking permit, submitting parking documents,
etc.), the third party requires a letter of authorization from the applicant. *Permits will only be released
to the registered permit holder. A third party cannot collect another person’s permit.
This letter must include the date, applicant’s signature with specific instructions detailing what the
third party can do. No faxes or photocopies will be accepted. Please refer to the Parking website for
template and additional information. (www.utm.utoronto.ca/parking)
Terms of Agreement
The permit must always be displayed on the driver's side dashboard/windshield of the car being
parked. There will be NO exceptions made for cases in which the permit has been forgotten or left
in another vehicle. If the permit is not displayed, the driver of the vehicle must purchase a day pass
from a Pay & Display machine.
Failure to display a permit or day pass may result in the issuance of a City of Mississauga Parking
Penalty Notice (parking ticket) under the Administrative Penalty System.
The primary permit holder is ultimately responsible for the permit. Only the primary permit holder
is authorized to make any changes to the permit or request a cancellation. (Rideshare
partners are not considered to be the permit holder)
Parking privileges may be revoked if the permit is used improperly.
Lost or stolen parking permits will not be replaced – regardless of the circumstance
Additional Vehicle(s) (If any)
Vehicle #3
Vehicle #4
Vehicle #5
Vehicle #6
(905) 828-5254 / parking.utm@utoronto.ca / www.utm.utoronto.ca/parking
Office Location: Parking & Transportation Services, Alumni House 108
3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, ON, L5L 1C6