Drainage Complaint
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I file a drainage complaint?
If the location of the drainage concern is within the Village of Caledonia, a drainage complaint could be filed by
submitting a form available online at https://caledonia-wi.gov/engineering-0 . Forms should be submitted in
person or emailed to tlazcano@caledonia-wi.gov When filing the complaint, it is important to provide as much
detailed information about the concern as possible. Not all complaints result in an investigation, but complaints
such as “someone upstream has diverted flow” are rarely resolved because the field investigator does not have
enough information to know where to start looking, and has limited ability to enter private property without
permission. Providing information about the specific location and/or source of the problem is critical. If a
flooding incident is being reported, it is important to provide the date and time of flooding, the direction from
which the water came, and the approximate depth of flow.
If we determine a field visit is appropriate, and you have requested to be present at the time of the inspection, the
field investigator will contact you to schedule a meeting. You may be contacted for additional information even
if you have not requested a field meeting.
What types of complaints are commonly investigated?
The Village of Caledonia investigates drainage complaints for most single-lot drainage issues. These are
situations in which an individual has done something on their property that may adversely impact a neighboring
property. Typical examples of this type of complaint are filling in or altering a wash, constructing a wall or berm,
installing a culvert, or otherwise diverting or obstructing flow that may result in flooding or erosion on a
neighboring property.
Examples of drainage issues that the Village does not have the authority to regulate include preventing water from
a neighbor’s roof from entering your property; swimming pool drainage; and diversions such as grading of
easements and driveways, placement of landscaping, etc. that occur within large areas that have been identified as
subject to sheet flooding.
How will I be notified of the outcome of my drainage complaint?
Only if your drainage complaint results in the identification of an Ordinance violation and initiation of the
enforcement process will you be notified. During the enforcement process, you are welcome to contact us
at any time for a status update.
Village of Caledonia
5043 Chester Lane
Racine, WI 53402
p: (262) 835.4451
Pg. 1 of 2 OVER
Drainage Complaint Form
Complaint Date: _______________________ Occurrence Date: _______________________
Select the field that applies to the complainant: Owner Tenant Other ___________
Site Information
Detailed Description of the Problem
All documents presented as evidence should be turned in with the application and will become property
of the Village of Caledonia
I certify that the information contained in this form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and
represents a complete and accurate statement. By signing below, I agree to allow Village staff on site to
review and verify the above information (if needed).
(Signature) (Print Name) (Date)
Name: __________________________ Home Phone: _______________________
Address: __________________________ Work Phone: _______________________
__________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________
City/Zip: __________________________ Email: _______________________________
Please select Property Type: Commercial Farm Residential
et/General Location: ___________________________________________________________
Nearby Ditch (if applicable): ______________________________________
Please indicate where the flooding occurs (check all that apply).
First floor Basement Crawl space Garage Driveway
Street Front yard Back yard Side yard Other
If Other, please specify location:
Please indicate how deep the flooding typically is. Use inches/feet or otherwise describe the depth (e.g., “about 6
inches” or “up to my knees”).
First floor: Basement: Crawl space: Garage: Driveway:
Front yard:
Back yard:
Side yard:
If Other, please specify location:
How long does the flooding typically last?
< 3 hours 3-6 hours 6-24 hours 24-48 hours > 48 hours
How often does the flooding occur?
< 1x/5 years < 1x/year 1x/year 2x-5x/year > 5x/year
5 What do you believe to be the main source(s) of the flooding (check all that apply)?
Sump pump f
ailure/power failure
Sanitary sewer/septic system backup a
Overland flow from this property (e.g., yard, rooftop, driveway)
Overland flow from adjacent property or public right-of-way (e.g., street)
Overland flow from nearby ditch, stream, or lake
Water entering through a building opening (e.g., door, window)
Water seeping through foundation cracks or joints (e.g., basement wall, basement floor)
Improper/poor grading of this property a
Improper/poor grading of adjacent property or public right-of-way (e.g., street) a
Poor/inadequate drainage of this property a
Poor/inadequate drainage on adjacent property or public right-of-way (e.g., street) a
Poorly maintained stormwater management infrastructure adjacent to this property (e.g.,
clogged ditches, culverts, inlets, or storm sewers)
Inadequate stormwater management infrastructure adjacent to this property (e.g., too few or
poorly placed inlets; undersized ditches, culverts, or storm sewers)
Other (please specify):
6 Attach photos of flooded area.
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