Draft Program Assessment Plan Form
(For Academic HOMER Reports)
Program Identification.
Identify the relevant academic program (degree or non-degree) by providing the following information: college,
academic department within the college, program name (please indicate degree type if relevant), program/department chair/coordinator
responsible for curriculum oversight, and the name of the individual who will be responsible for completing upcoming HOMER reports for
this academic program. Please also indicate whether this is an undergraduate or a graduate offering by marking the appropriate level below.
ProgramChair: _________________________________________
Program Overview.
Please provide a general description of the program, including the program mission or purpose statement. A program
mission describes the primary purpose, values, and philosophy of the educational program. It should be clear, concise, and meaningful, and it
should include the purpose of the program, the students to be served, the academic environment, the curriculum’s primary focus, and expected
contributions to the community. A program mission should align with the University mission and goals and/or the mission and goals of the
college. In addition to the program’s general description and mission or purpose statement, a brief history of the program may be appropriate.