Belfast Local Development Plan 2035
Draft Plan Strategy
Counter Representations
We consulted on the draft Plan Strategy (dPS) as part of an ongoing process for creating the Belfast
Local Development Plan 2035. A number of representations, which we have now published, were
received during the public statutory consultation process which ended at 5pm on Thursday 15
November 2018.
Hard copies of the representations received on the dPS are available for inspection during normal
office hours at:
Belfast Planning Service
Belfast City Council
Cecil Ward Building
4-10 Linenhall Street
The representations can also be viewed on our website at
Counter Representations
Following publication of the representations
received on the dPS, there is now the opportunity for the
submission of
representations. The consultation period for the submission of counter
representations runs from 12 noon on Friday 1 March 2019 to 12 noon on Friday 26 April 2019.
Counter representations may only be made in relation to a site specific policy representation seeking
a change to the dPS and should indicate the reasons for doing so in terms of soundness and
sustainability of the dPS.
Any person may make a counter representation, but must not propose alternative sites or any further
changes to the dPS and are without a right of hearing at Independent Examination (IE). Counter
representations of this nature or those supporting a site specific policy representation will not be
A “site specific policy representation” means any representation which seeks to change a
development plan document (DPD) (in this case, the dPS) by:
1. adding a site specific policy to the DPD; or
2. altering or deleting any site specific policy in the DPD.
A “site specific policy” means a policy in a DPD which identifies a site for a particular use or
The dPS does not include site specific policies as these are dealt with at the next stage of the LDP
process, which is the preparation of the Local Policies Plan (LPP). However, a number of
representations received in response to the public consultation make reference to specific sites and
proposed development or uses. Any counter representation should clearly state the reference number
of the representation to which it relates.
Submitting a Counter Representation
Counter representations on site specific policy representations must be received by Belfast Planning
Service by 12 noon on Friday 26 April 2019. Any counter representation received after this time will not
be considered.
Counter representations can be submitted:
via the online survey on the Council’s consultation site,
by email to; or
by post, returning the response form to the address above.
Although we have provided a downloadable version of this consultation response form, we would
encourage you to respond via the online survey.
The relevant documents are available, on request, in alternative formats - Braille, audio, large print,
easy read. The council will also consider requests to produce it in other languages. If you require
the documents in these or other formats please contact us:
Belfast Planning Service
Belfast City Council
Cecil Ward Building
4-10 Linenhall Street
Telephone: 028 9032 0202, ext 2255
1. Data Protection
Belfast City Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data
Protection Regulations (GDPR). The council is committed to protecting your privacy and to process
any personal data submitted by you in a manner which meets the requirements of the Data Protection
legislation. The Privacy Notice below provides more information regarding our commitments to you
under privacy and data protection.
Privacy Notice
Belfast City Council is the Data Controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for
the personal data it gathers for the purposes of sending regular email updates on the Local
Development Plan from Belfast Planning Service.
It should also be noted that in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Planning (Local Development
Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015, the council must make a copy of any representation
available for inspection. The Council is also required to submit the representations to the Department
for Infrastructure and they will then be considered as part of the independent examination process.
The council accepts that you are providing your personal data on the basis of consent and are
positively agreeing for the council to hold and further use it, publish it (without personal information
such as address or email address, but may include organisation or name). Belfast City Council must
also share it with the Department for Infrastructure and whoever they appoint to undertake the
independent examination.
Any personal details that you provide the Council will be handled in accordance with the GDPR and
Data Protection Act 2018. As such we will only use your data for the purposes that you have given
this information for and will only be shared where necessary to provide the service that you are
contacting us about. If you would like further information in regards please see the
The personal data is held and stored by the council in a safe and secure manner and in compliance
with Data Protection legislation and in line with the council’s Records Retention and Disposal
If you wish to contact the council’s Data Protection Officer, please write to:
Belfast City Council
City Hall
or send an email to
Q. Please tick to confirm that you have read and understood the privacy notice
Please select all that apply
I confirm that I have read and understood the privacy notice above and give my consent for
Belfast City Council to hold my personal data for the purposes outlined.
Q. Do you consent for us to publish your response?
Under planning legislation we are required to publish responses received in response to the Plan
Strategy. On this page we ask for your consent to do so, and you may opt to have your response
published anonymously should you wish.
Even if y
ou opt for your comments to be published anonymously, we will still have a legal duty to
share your contact details with the Department for Infrastructure and the inspectorate they appoint
to oversee the examination in public into the soundness of our plan. This will be done in accordance
with the privacy statement above.
Please select only one item
Yes, with my name (individuals) or organisation name
Yes, but without any identifying information
Note: Under either option, personal information such as email address or telephone number will still
be redacted from published documents.
2. Your details
Q. Are you responding as an individual, as an organisation, or as an agent acting on
behalf of an individual, group or organisation?
Please select
only one item
Individual (Complete this Section, then proceed to Section 5)
Organisation (Complete this Section, then proceed to Section 3)
Agent (Complete this Section, then proceed to Section 4)
Q. What is your name?
Full Name (Required)
Q. What is your address?
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Q. What is your telephone number?
Q. What is your email address?
Angela Wiggam
Hamilton House
3 Joy Street
028 90723900
3 Organisation
If you have selected that you are responding as an organisational respondent, there are a number of
pieces of information that we are legally required to gather from you.
Q. If you are responding as a representative of a group or organisation, please
provide details below:
Your Job Title
Organisation address (if different from above):
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
4. Agent
If you have selected that you are responding as an agent on behalf of other
people/organisations, there are a number of pieces of information that we are legally required to
gather from you.
Q. Please provide details of the organisation or individual you are representing:
The name of the organisation or individual you are representing:
Client contact details:
Full Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Telephone Number
Email Address
Q. Would you like us to contact you, your client or both in relation to this response or
future consultations on the LDP?
Please select only one item
Lagan Homes
Conor Mulligan
Lagan House
19 Clarendon Road
5. Representation to draft Plan Strategy Consultation
Q. Did you submit a representation to the Belfast Local Development Plan Draft Plan
Strategy 2035?
Note: The formal consultation period for representations to the Belfast Local Development Plan
Draft Plan Strategy 2035 commenced on Thursday 20 September 2018, and closed at 5pm on
Thursday 15 November 2018.
Please select only one item
Yes (Complete Sections 5b, then Proceed to Section 6)
No (Proceed to Section 6)
5b. Representation to draft Plan Strategy Consultation
Q. Please provide the reference number assigned to your representation to the
Belfast Local Development Plan Draft Plan Strategy 2035.
Note: Your reference number can be found on the letter sent to you, by Belfast City Council on
Friday 22 February 2019
Q. Please provide a summary of the issue(s) raised in your representation to the
Belfast Local Development Plan Draft Plan Strategy 2035.
Refer to enclosed report
6. Counter Representation
Any person may make a counter representation in relation to a representation seeking a change to a
Development Plan Document (DPD). The purpose of a counter representation is to provide an
opportunity to respond to proposed changes to the DPD a result of representations submitted under
Regulations 15 and 16 of The Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland)
A coun
ter representation must not propose any further changes to a DPD.
Q. Please provide the reference number of the representation to which your counter
representation relates.
Please provide only one reference number. If you wish to make a counter representation to more
than one representation, complete a separate sheet (Section 6 only) for each counter representation
you wish to make and append the sheet(s) to your submission.
Note: Your counter representation must relate to a representation made to the Belfast Local
Development Plan Draft Plan Strategy 2035 during the formal consultation period which commenced
on Thursday 20 September 2018 and closed at 5pm on Thursday 15 November 2018. The
representations received during this period can be viewed on the Council’s website at
Q. Please give reasons for your counter representation having particular regard to
the soundness test in the above representation.
Please note that your counter representation should be submitted in full and cover succinctly all the
information, evidence, and any supporting information necessary to support/justify your submission.
There will not be a subsequent opportunity to make any further submissions based on your original
counter representation. After this stage, further submissions will only be at the request of the
independent examiner, based on the matters and issues he/she identifies at independent
Continue on the next page
Note: If you wish to make a counter representation to more than one representation, complete a
separate sheet (Section 6 only) for each counter representation you wish to make and append the
sheet(s) to your submission.
Refer to enclosed report
Please refer to enclosed report
Lagan Homes Counter Objections
Belfast City Council LDP, Draft Plan Strategy Counter Representation Stage
April 2019
1. Introduction
1. This counter-representation is submitted on behalf of Lagan Homes in response to representations received in response to the Council’s consultation on the draft
Plan Strategy (dPS) in August 2018.
2. For clarity these counter representations relate to representations made under Regulation 15 and 16 of the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 2015 (‘Regulations’). Under Regulation 17, the Council has made available copies of all representations received in response to consultation
on the draft Plan Strategy. These counter representations are submitted under Regulation 18 as they relate to site specific representations.
3. We have formulated these counter representations having taken account of Regulation 2 of the LDP Regulations which states:
‘site specific policy’ means a policy in a development plan document which identifies a site for a particular use or development.
‘site specific policy representation’ means any representation which seeks to change a development plan document by:
adding a site specific policy to the development plan document; or
altering or deleting any site specific policy in the development plan document
4. These counter-representations should be read alongside draft Plan Strategy Representation Ref. DPS-B-AX-4 submitted on behalf of Lagan Homes.
2. Counter Representations
5. This section outlines our counter-representations to comments received by Belfast City Council in response to consultation on the dPS.
Reference No &
Summary of Representation Comments
Counter Representation
(Historic Buildings
Comments to Draft Policy DES3 Tall Buildings
Outlines that buildings over 6 storeys should only be exceptionally
permitted in the city centre, with tall Buildings possibly being more
acceptable in the Titanic Quarter.
The Historic Buildings Council objects to the policy criteria set out
in DES 3, and suggests that Council should introduce a policy which
restricts both the height and location of tall buildings.
Lagan Homes wishes to make a counter-representation to this
statement. It is our view that the approach proposed by the
Historic Building Council is unsound as no evidence has been
provided to support the stance advocated, and the proposed
change is not flexible to address any changing circumstances.
For these reasons the approach proposed by the Historic Buildings
Council fails against soundness tests CE2, and CE4.
We would refer Council to our position set out at paragraphs 3.32
to 3.58 in Draft Plan Strategy Representation Ref: DPS-B-AX-4.
Comments to Draft Policy DES3 Tall Buildings
Seeks that high density development should be restricted to the core
city centre.
Representation DPS-B-UZ-T objects to the policy criteria set out in
DES 3, and suggests that Council should restrict tall buildings to
core of the city centre.
Lagan Homes wishes to make a counter-representation to this
statement. It is our view that the approach outlined within DPS-B-
UZ-T is unsound as no evidence has been provided to support the
stance advocated and the proposed change is not flexible to
address any changing circumstances.
For these reasons the approach proposed within DPS-B-UZ-T fails
against soundness tests CE2, and CE4.
We would refer Council to our position set out at paragraphs 3.32
to 3.58 in Draft Plan Strategy Representation Ref: DPS-B-AX-4.
Heritage, (UAH))
Comments to Draft Policy DES3 Tall Buildings
Outlines that tall buildings should not be permitted in sensitive
heritage locations such as Conservation Areas or Area of Townscape
Character, and that there is no need for tall buildings in Belfast City
core at all.
UAH objects to the policy criteria set out in DES 3, and notes that
the policy falls far short of an adequate policy for tall buildings.
Lagan Homes wishes to make a counter-representation to this
statement. It is our view that the approach proposed by the UAH
is unsound as no evidence has been provided to support the
stance advocated and the proposed change is not flexible to
address any changing circumstances.
For these reasons the approach outlined by UAH fails against
soundness tests CE2, and CE4.
We would refer Council to our position set out at paragraphs 3.32
to 3.58 in Draft Plan Strategy Representation Ref: DPS-B-AX-4.
Comments to Draft Policy HOU5 Affordable Housing
Welcomes HOU5 however expresses concern that a developer can
provide affordable housing on an alternative site or can negotiate a
reduced provision.
Representation DPS-B-UK-B welcomes the policy but advocates an
approach which would remove a number of proposed measures
that provide flexibility within the policy i.e. consideration of an
alternative site if it is not viable to development on the application
site without any consideration of viability.
Lagan Homes wishes to make a counter-representation to this
statement. It is our view that the approach proposed by the
Markets Association is unsound as no evidence has been provided
to support the stance advocated and the proposed change is not
flexible to address any changing circumstances.
For these reasons the approach proposed by the Markets
Association fails against soundness tests CE2, CE4 and P3.
We would refer Council to our position set out at paragraphs 3.9
3.30 in Draft Plan Strategy Representation Ref: DPS-B-AX-4
DPS - B 9Z X
(Sinn Fein)
Comments to Draft Policy HOU5 Affordable Housing
Welcomes the policy and importance of social housing. Advocating
that the definition of affordable housing should be changed to
acknowledge that there are 2 distinct sectors which need to be
addressed - affordable housing and social housing
Lagan Homes wishes to make a counter-representation to this
statement. It is our view that the approach proposed by Sinn Fein
is unsound as it would be inconsistent with current planning policy
set out in the Strategic Planning Policy Statement.
For this reason the approach proposed by Sinn Fein fails against
soundness test C4.