6. Counter Representation
Any person may make a counter representation in relation to a representation seeking a change to a
Development Plan Document (DPD). The purpose of a counter representation is to provide an
opportunity to respond to proposed changes to the DPD a result of representations submitted under
Regulations 15 and 16 of The Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland)
A coun
ter representation must not propose any further changes to a DPD.
Q. Please provide the reference number of the representation to which your counter
representation relates.
Please provide only one reference number. If you wish to make a counter representation to more
than one representation, complete a separate sheet (Section 6 only) for each counter representation
you wish to make and append the sheet(s) to your submission.
Note: Your counter representation must relate to a representation made to the Belfast Local
Development Plan Draft Plan Strategy 2035 during the formal consultation period which commenced
on Thursday 20 September 2018 and closed at 5pm on Thursday 15 November 2018. The
representations received during this period can be viewed on the Council’s website at
Q. Please give reasons for your counter representation having particular regard to
the soundness test in the above representation.
Please note that your counter representation should be submitted in full and cover succinctly all the
information, evidence, and any supporting information necessary to support/justify your submission.
There will not be a subsequent opportunity to make any further submissions based on your original
counter representation. After this stage, further submissions will only be at the request of the
independent examiner, based on the matters and issues he/she identifies at independent
Continue on the next page
Note: If you wish to make a counter representation to more than one representation, complete a
separate sheet (Section 6 only) for each counter representation you wish to make and append the
sheet(s) to your submission.
See Enclosed Counter Representation