Effective 07/19
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Fiscally constrained counties should use this form to apply for legislatively appropriated funds to offset the reductions in property tax revenue that are a direct result of
each of the following:
Provisions in Article VII of the Florida Constitution including the additional $25,000 homestead exemption, the $25,000 tangible personal property tax
exemption, homestead assessment difference transferability, and the 10% assessment increase limitation on nonhomestead property. (Section 218.12, Florida
Sections 3(f) and 4(b) of Article VII, Florida Constitution, including the tax exemption for real property dedicated in perpetuity for conservation purposes
and classified use assessments for land used for conservation purposes. (Section 218.125, F.S.)
Section 218.131, F.S., includes the offset for taxes lost associated with reductions in ad valorem revenue of certain residences in Monroe
County and by fiscally constrained counties as a direct result of the implementation of s. 197.318, F.S.
Qualifying counties are those qualifying as fiscally constrained counties as defined in s. 218.67(1), F.S. The property appraiser of a qualifying county should complete this
form to apply for these funds.
List information for all millage levies by the county government, special districts dependent on the county, and county municipal service taxing units. This includes
operating levies, debt service levies, and millages levied for two years or less under s. 9(b), Article VII, of the Florida Constitution. Do NOT include levies by taxing
jurisdictions other than those listed above.
For each levy, include columns 1 through 5. When applicable, include columns 6, 7, and 8.
Col 1. Current Year Taxable Value: Form DR-420, line 4.
Col 3. Current Year Reduction in Taxable Value Due to Property Used
for Conservation Purposes: estimated by property appraiser
For debt service millages and millages levied for two years or less
under s. 9(b), Article VII of the Florida Constitution, the current taxable
Calculate the reduction in taxable value caused by:
value should be the value included on the current year DR-420DEBT.
The tax exemption for real property dedicated in perpetuity for
conservation purposes.
Col 2. Current Year Reduction in Taxable Value due to s. 218.12, F.S.:
Classified use assessments for land used for conservation purposes.
estimated by property appraiser.
The estimated values should be comparable to the values certified on
Form DR-420, DR-489, and DR-403. The estimate should NOT include
Calculate the reduction in taxable value caused by:
any impact of the above provisions on property that is already totally
The additional $25,000 homestead exemption for non-school levies.
exempt from taxation.
The $25,000 tangible personal property exemption.
The 10% assessment increase limitation on nonhomesteaded property.
Col. 4. Reduction in ad valorem tax revenue resulting from the
Homestead assessment differences first transferred on the current
implementation of s. 197.318, F.S.
tax roll.
The estimated values should be comparable to the values certified on
For 2019 tax year, enter the reductions in ad valorem tax
Forms DR-420, DR-489, and DR-403. The estimate should NOT include
revenue experienced by Monroe County, fiscally constrained
any impact of the above provisions on property that is already totally
counties defined in s. 218.67(1), F.S., and all taxing jurisdictions
exempt from taxation.
within these counties, as a result of the implementation of s.
197.318, F.S., Abatement of taxes for residential improvements
damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Hermine, Hurricane
Matthew, or Hurricane Irma. The tax collector must provide a
report to the Department showing the reduction in ad valorem
taxes for the taxing jurisdiction.