Location in Packet
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Location in Packet
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Location in Packet
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A training program shall provide, in either electronic or paper format, a written
curriculum to each student on or before the first day of class that includes a course
description, course hours including times of instruction and total course hours, instructor
information, passing requirements, course goals, and a topical schedule containing date,
time and topic for each class session.
For each unit or class session the program shall provide, to its students, written: a.
Measurable learner-centered objectives, b. An outline of the material to be taught, and c.
The learning activities or reading assignment.
a. Plan each learning experience; b. Ensure that the curriculum meets the requirements of
this Section; c. Prepare written course goals, lesson objectives, class content and learning
activities; d. Schedule and achieve course goals and objectives by the end of the course;
and e. Require satisfactory performance of all critical elements of each skill under R4-19-
802 (H) for nursing assistant and R4-19- 803(D)(4) for medication assistant before
allowing a student to perform the skill on a patient or resident without the instructor’s
presence at the bedside.
Program Evaluation Plan with Outcomes
A training program shall provide and implement a plan to evaluate the program that
includes the frequency of evaluation, the person responsible, the evaluative criteria, the
results of the evaluation and actions taken to improve the program. The program shall
evaluate the following elements at a minimum every two years: a Student evaluations
consistent with subsection (A)(9); b. First-time pass rates on the written and manual
skills certification exams for each admission cohort; c. Student attrition rates for each
admission cohort; d. Resolution of student complaints and grievances in the past two
years; and e. Review and revision of program policies.
Student Evaluation Policy
Effective and Review Dates on Policy
2. Misc. Program Requirements cont.
Curriculum Including:
Unit objectives, Unit outline, Learning
activities and Hours of instruction for each
unit of instruction - May use Board
template with activities and hours
completed by the program.
A training program shall provide each student with an opportunity to anonymously and
confidentially evaluate the course instructor, curriculum, classroom environment, clinical
instructor, clinical setting, textbook and resources of the program.
Blank Student Evaluation Form
Syllabus with Course Description, Course
Objectives, Instructor Information,
Passing Requirements, Hours & Times of
Instruction, and Topical Schedule
A training program shall utilize an electronic or paper textbook corresponding to the
certification level of the course that has been published within the previous five years.
Unless granted specific permission by the publisher, a training program shall not utilize
copies of published materials in lieu of an actual textbook.
A training program shall provide, to all program instructors and enrolled students, access
to the following instructional and educational resources: a. Reference materials,
corresponding to the level of the curriculum.
During clinical training sessions, a training program shall ensure that each student is
identified as a student by a name badge or another means readily observable to staff,
patients, and residents.
Textbook / Reference Materials
Textbook, Author, Publisher and Year
(copy of the front of book & copyright pg)
List of Current Reference Materials
Copies of the redacted records of one program graduate