Donated Food Request
This application is a request the use of donated food not provided by WSU Dining Services on campus for meetings
and events.
Requests must meet the following conditions:
All donated food must be provided by a licensed food provider.
The requesting party must show proof that the food was donated
Requests for the use of donated food must be accompanied by an existing space reservation
Food valued at under $100 does not require approval.
Requests by RSOs must be approved by Student Involvement
Requests for Donated Food to be served on campus should be approved through the Event Services Office and
submitted a minimum of 10 business days in advance.
Organization Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Faculty: Staff: Department: ______________________________________
Contact Name: _________________________________ Contact Number: _______________________
Email: _______________________________________________
Donated Food Provider: _________________________________________________________________
Event Location: ________________________________ Date: _________________ Time ____________
Type of Event: ___________________________________
Do you have an event reservation? Yes No Reservation # ________________________
Is the food provider licensed? Yes No License # _________________________________
_________ (initial) I have read, understand and agree to abide by the procedures and guidelines in WSU
policy 20.16
Approved: Denied: Signature ____________________________________ Date: _______________
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________