Pitzer College Office of Study Abroad and International Programs
West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104 Email exchanges@pitzer.edu
Pitzer College Domestic Exchange Application
Semester(s) and year(s) to study at Pitzer College Fall of ______________ Spring of ______________
Name (as shown in passport) _______________________________________________________________
_______________________ ___________________ _________________________________ ____________________
Name you prefer to be called Birth Date (month/day/year) Country of Birth Gender Prounouns
__________________________ ______________________________ __________________ _____________________
Passport Number Country of Citizenship Expiration Date (mm/dd/yy) Place of Issue
Home University ___________________________________________________ Class standing 1
Major ______________________________________________ Faculty Adviser ___________________________________
Student’s Contact Information at University
Street Address and/or Box Number City State or Province Postal Code Country
_________________________ _________________________ _____________________________________________
Mobile Phone University Email
Permanent Contact Information An address not listed above where you can always be contacted or receive mail
Street Address and/or Box Number City State or Province Postal Code Country
_________________________ _____________________________________________
Phone Personal Email
_____________________________________________ In the event of an emergency, should this person be contacted? Yes No
Street Address and/or Box Number City State or Province Postal Code Country
_________________________ _________________________ _____________________________________________
Mobile Home Phone Email
_____________________________________________ In the event of an emergency, should this person be contacted? Yes No
Street Address and/or Box Number City State or Province Postal Code Country
_________________________ _________________________ _____________________________________________
Mobile Home Phone Email
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Name of Emergency Contact - only if you selected ‘no’ for all people listed above Relationship to you
_________________________ _________________________ _____________________________________________
Mobile Home Phone Email
Pitzer College Office of Study Abroad and International Programs
West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104 Email exchanges@pitzer.edu
Pitzer College Domestic Exchange Application
Name _______________________________________________________________
Courses in Progress at your Home Institution - list courses in which you are currently enrolled
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Dept. or Field Course Title Dept. or Field Course Title
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Dept. or Field Course Title Dept. or Field Course Title
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Dept. or Field Course Title Dept. or Field Course Title
Language Skills
List any languages in which you consider yourself a native speaker ____________________________________________
List any languages you studied in high school and the number of years you studied them
List all languages completed for college credit
Language ____________________________ courses completed (indicate level, course number, semester, and year)
Language ____________________________ courses completed (indicate level, course number, semester, and year)
Language coursework currently in progress
What other language courses will you take prior to participation in this program (including summer courses)?
Pitzer College Office of Study Abroad and International Programs
West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104 Email exchanges@pitzer.edu
Pitzer College Domestic Exchange Application
Information Distribution Waiver
Please enter yes or no for each statement. If not indicated, permission to release this information will be assumed.
Pitzer College may distribute my email address and phone number to other program participants before the
program. Yes No
Pitzer College may release information related to my participation on this program to my parent(s) or guardian(s).
Yes No
After completing the program, Pitzer College may distribute my email address or phone number to prospective
students who wish to speak to program returnees for additional program details. Yes No
Pitzer College may use my written materials from the field book, the directed independent study project (DISP) and
the program evaluation for educational development purposes. Yes No
Signature __________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________
Student Consent
I hereby make application to study abroad, and I do so with the understanding that should I accept an offer of
admission; I will agree to accept and abide by the regulations of the sponsoring institution(s). I understand that
photographs may be taken during program participation and may be used in future publications. I agree to participate
fully in the orientation, all program components and evaluation process, and will observe deadlines for submission of
all required materials. Pitzer College may release information related to my participation on this program to officials
from my home institution (e.g. financial aid officers, study abroad staff, faculty advisers, Student Affairs Office, etc.).
I give Pitzer College permission to release information related to my participation on this program to officials from
my home institution (e.g. financial aid officers, study abroad staff, faculty advisers, Student Affairs Office, etc.).
I further give permission to my university to release my transcripts and information applicable to my suitability for
International Exchanges to Pitzer College.
I understand that I am required to request that an official transcript be sent from the registrar of my home
university to Pitzer College.
Name _______________________________________________________________
Signature __________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________
Pitzer College, Office of Study Abroad, West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104 Email studyabroad@pitzer.edu
Pitzer College Health Report - Student Section
Student Name _______________________________________________________________
Home University ___________________________________________________ Semester of Participation ________________
Birth Date ___________________ How would you describe your general health? Excellent Good Fair Poor
Do you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions based on medical conditions or religious beliefs? (Be specific) _________
Do you have any known allergies to medications or vaccines? (Provide details) ________________________________________
Please check if you have had:
Amoebic dysentery
Back Problems
Bleeding/clotting problems
Bone infection
Chicken pox
Chronic cough
Chronic diarrhea
Chronic rash
Ear infection
Eating disorder (anorexia/bulimia)
Eye trouble
Fainting spells
Hay fever
Hearing loss
Heart trouble
Hernia problems
Immune system problems
Kidney trouble
Menstrual difficulty
Migraine headache
Painful/swollen joints
Recent weight loss or gain
Recurrent dizziness
Rheumatic fever
Scarlet fever
Severe headaches
Sinus problems
Stomach ulcer
Typhoid fever
Unexplained fevers
Whooping cough
Explain any recent or serious episodes (Be specific) _______________________________________________________________
Have you had any serious illnesses not covered above? If yes, please describe ________________________________________
In the last five years, have you consulted, or been treated by a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, drug/alcohol counselor, or
other mental health professional? If yes, please explain here _______________________________________________________
Recent intradermal tuberculin test date (optional, but recommended) _____________ Results _____________
If positive, date of last chest x-ray _____________ Results _____________
Can you participate in the essential functions of this program without accommodation? Yes No If no, what type of
accommodation is required? __________________________________________________________________________________
I hereby verify that all of the information contained in this form is accurate and acknowledge that failure to provide accurate
information may result in my dismissal from the program. I agree to notify Pitzer College of any significant changes in my
health that occur after submitting this form. I understand the Office of Study Abroad may share this health report with my study
abroad program provider or host institution.
Student’s signature _________________________________________________________ Date_____________________
1050 N. MILLS AVENUE PHONE: (909) 621-8104 OR FAX (909) 621-0518
1050 N. MILLS AVENUE PHONE: (909) 621-8104 OR FAX (909) 621-0518
1050 N. MILLS AVENUE PHONE: (909) 621-8104 OR FAX (909) 621-0518
A study abroad program may create emotional and physical stress for those living in a different environment for an extended
period of time. You are asked to carefully consider your physical and mental health in relation to the exchange program’s location,
requirements, and the conditions in which you will be living.
This form is required after acceptance to an exchange program, but may be submitted with the initial application. Additional
sheets may be submitted if needed to provide further details.
Pitzer College, Office of Study Abroad, West Hall, Suite 100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104 Email studyabroad@pitzer.edu
Pitzer College Study Abroad Request for Accommodation
This form must be completed by all participants and is due by the deadline indicated in their acceptance letter.
Pitzer College does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the administration of its admission policies, educational
policies, or other College-administered programs. In many of the countries in which we approve or operate study abroad
programs, however, possibilities for reasonably accommodating students with certain physical, medical, psychological
or learning disabilities may be limited. The ability of Pitzer College, the exchange host institution or the program sponsor
to offer reasonable accommodations during an exchange will vary from program to program and is addressed on a case
by case basis.
If you have a physical, medical, psychological, or learning disability, or there are any other factors for which you may
require reasonable accommodation or the ongoing care of a physician or therapist, it is essential that you clearly state
this information on the form below. We will discuss your case with you, request additional documentation or information
if necessary, and make an assessment of what reasonable accommodations or arrangement for ongoing care can be
made to meet your needs while on exchange. You can then make an informed decision about the viability of your
participation on a specific program. The information provided by students on this form will be maintained separately
from applications to participate in an exchange program and will not be considered in admissions decisions for the
programs. Please check one of the boxes below:
I do not have any physical, medical, psychological condition, learning disability or any other situation for which I will
require reasonable accommodation in my program or ongoing care of a physician or therapist. Should this change
prior to participation, I understand I must notify the Office of Study Abroad and International Programs immediately
to determine what reasonable accommodations can be provided. Skip questions 1, 2 and 3 and complete the
information at the bottom of this page.
I have a physical, medical, psychological condition, learning disability or other situation for which I will or may
require reasonable accommodations or the ongoing care of a physician or therapist while participating on my
exchange program. If you check this box, please answer questions 1, 2 and 3 and complete the information at the
bottom of this page.
1. What accommodation are you requesting? Be specific. Please describe in detail the nature of your disability or
special need. Continue on the back of this form if you need more space to write.
2. How do you anticipate your disability or special needs will impact your participation on the program?
3. What accommodations are currently provided by your home institution to meet your special needs? (Please note
that Pitzer College may not be able to provide a similar level of reasonable accommodation while you are on
I give permission to the Office of Academic Support, the Dean of Students or other appropriate officials at my home
institution to release information about the disability, accommodations or special needs I have identified above to
Pitzer’s Office of Study Abroad and International Programs or the sponsor of my exchange program. I have read and
understood this form in its entirety and certify that the information I have provided is true.
Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Signature ______________________________________________ Date _______________________________________