Where possible, include the following with your applicaon:
aAcademic transcripts
aAddional Supporng Documentaon (eg. resume, employment leer, referee report) – click here for more info
aMarriage Cercate/Deed Poll/Change of Name Cercate (if your name is dierent from that on your qualica-
ons and/or you have previously studied at JCU under a dierent name)
aAustralian Visa (if you are the holder of an Australian Visa)
aProof of cizenship (if you are an Australian cizen but were born overseas)
aEnhanced Study for Secondary School Students form if you intend to study at JCU while also compleng Year 11/12
aHome Instuon Approval for Cross Instuonal Study at JCU form - if you are applying for cross instuonal study
aApplicaon for Advanced Standing if you intend to apply for credit for previous studies
You will need to provide an ocial translaon for any documents in a language other than English.
You may be required to provide cered copies.
1. Qualicaon Search & Informaon Vericaon
1.1 I authorise James Cook University to obtain further informaon with respect to my applicaon and, if necessary, seek academic informaon or transcripts
from Australian or overseas educaonal instuons. Where necessary QualSearch will be engaged to access this academic informaon. I understand that
James Cook University is not responsible if any educaonal body / instuon does not supply these records. I understand that the results of the search
will be made available to me on request and that an audit of this authority may also be undertaken.
1.2 I authorise James Cook University to contact the referees named in my applicaon to seek addional informaon or claricaon. I acknowledge that
James Cook University may seek to verify any publicaons listed in which I am named as an author by contacng the publisher, editor or co-authors
and may seek to contact sta from the Educaonal Instuon where any research projects, theses or dissertaons referred to in this applicaon were
2. Informed Consent
2.1 I understand that:
a) James Cook University is collecng the informaon which I have provided in this form for the purpose of assessing my entlement to Commonwealth
assistance under the Higher Educaon Support Act 2003 or the Research Training Scheme and allocaon of a Commonwealth Higher Educaon
Student Support Number (CHESSN) to me
b) James Cook University will disclose the informaon I have provided in this form to the Department of Educaon and Training for those purposes
c) Department of Educaon and Training will store the informaon securely in the Higher Educaon Informaon Management System
d) Department of Educaon and Training may disclose the informaon to the Australian Taxaon Oce (ATO), and
James Cook University and Department of Educaon and Training will not otherwise disclose the informaon without my consent unless required or
authorised by law.
3. Privacy
3.1 James Cook University complies with the Informaon Privacy Act 2009. The informaon contained in this form is collected for admission and administra-
ve purposes. The informaon will be held by James Cook University and may be accessed and used by people employed the by the University. Personal
informaon will not be passed on to any other external bodies, other than as outlined above, without my authorisaon unless required or authorised
by law, or otherwise in accordance with the Informaon Privacy Principles. The provision of this informaon is voluntary, but if this informaon is not
provided, the University may be unable to process my applicaon or provide services to me. I have a right of access to, and correcon of my personal
informaon, subject to any excepons in relevant legislaon. I can direct any enquiries I may have in relaon to privacy to the University’s Privacy Ocer
(Deputy Director, Governance Support and Corporate Informaon, Governance and Corporate Services Oce, James Cook University, Townsville Qld
Applicant Signature: Date:
Email completed forms to:
Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Mt Isa, Thursday Island campuses
Brisbane campus
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