Name: _________ Partner’s Name____________________________________
Address: __________________________ Apt # ______________________
City: ___________________ Postal: _______
Email: ___________________________________________
Home phone: __________ Cell phone: ________________
Work Phone: _______________________________ Extension: ______________________________
Thank you for visiting the Humane Society of Kitchener Waterloo & Stratford Perth
and choosing to save a life! Please help us find a great canine match for you by
filing out this adoption survey. We are excited to help you pick your new family
Dog Adoption Survey
Adopter Information:
Animal Information: (Animal ID Number can be found on the animals profile page on our website)
Animal Name:______________________________ Breed:________________________________
Animal ID #_________________________________________
1. What best describes your dog experience?
□ I’ve never had a dog □ I had a dog 1+ years ago □ I had a dog within the last year □ I currently have a dog
2. I would best describe my household as:
□ A place with constant activity and noise □ Sometimes noisy/quiet □ Quiet and calm most of the time
3.My dog must get along with: (Check all that apply)
4. When I am not at home, my dog will be:
□ In the garage □ Outside or in the yard □In a crate in the house □ Confined to one room □ Loose in house
5. When I am at home, my dog will be:
□ In the garage □ Outside or in the yard □In a crate in the house □ Confined to one room □ Loose in house
More on reverse:
The Humane Society of Kitchener Waterloo & Straord Perth (HSKWSP)
For more informaon on our adopon process during Covid-19, please visit us at kwsphumane.ca
□ Cats □ Dogs (List breed below) □Kids (List ages below) □ Other (List below)
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