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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Field History / Previous Land Use Record
Use this form to document land requirements per NOP § 205.202, including date, location, and identity of all materials
applied to the land during the past 36 months in order to establish a date of last application of prohibited materials and
determine eligibility for organic certifi cation. Complete one form for each location for which you have completed a Land
Requirements Form. Include all fertilizer and pest-management materials applied. Attach additional pages if needed.
Field, Pasture, or Location ID:
Year Crop or Land Use Material / Product
Brand Name
Manufacturer Application Date(s)
This year:
Last year:
Two years ago:
Three years ago:
Signature Date
The information provided above is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge:
click to sign
click to edit
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Land Use History Veri cation
Organic Producer Name: Crop Production Year:
I,____________________________, affi rm that the parcel(s) of land described below were farmed/ranched by me
or were under my management and control during the following dates: ____________-___________. I also affi rm
that during this time, to the best of my knowledge, there were no herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, fungicide-
treated seed, synthetic fertilizers, or other prohibited materials applied to this land.
Description of land parcel(s) by assessors parcel number, county, township/section/range, (or other regulatory
Number of acres in parcel(s): ____________________________________________________________________
All materials that have been applied to any of these fields are described below: what was applied, the specific date
of application, and field number or parcel. No materials applied.
Parcel / Field Location & Crop Material / Manufacturer Date Applied
I submit that the above is true and accurate on this date of ___________________________________________
Name (printed)
click to sign
click to edit
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Farm/Location: Year:
Date Activities
Example: 10/1 Planted cover crop
Activity Log
Use this form to record all types of farm or ranch activities and make notes about observations. Include details about
crops and/or livestock at a given location: planting, input applications, mowing, irrigation, pest monitoring, weather, etc.
Records may be kept in any type of notebook or format.
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Activity Calendar
Use this form to record all types of farm or ranch activities and make notes about observations. Include details about
crops and/or livestock at a given location: planting, input applications, mowing, irrigation, pest monitoring, weather, etc.
Records may be kept in any type of notebook or format.
Month/Year: Farm/Location:
1 2 3 Example:
Planted 200 lb/
acre org. soil
builder cover
crop, Field A
7 8 9 10111213
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Location Crop Variety /
Source or Lot#
Transplant /
Seeding or Wet
Date (if irrigated)
Quantity /
Buyer / Price
Example: Field
A, 1 ac.
Waltham butternut,
Direct seeded,
wet 5/20
8/31 25 boxes ABC market
Planting and Harvest Record
Use this form to record crop acreage and location (for documentation of crop rotation), planting and harvest dates, yield,
and sales (for production verifi cation audit).
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Farm, ranch, fi eld, pasture, parcel, plot, or bed.
Crop Rotation Record
Use this form to document crop rotations. Please note that the term crops includes not only those intended for har-
vest and sale, but also cover crops or green manures that are incorporated or pasture and forage crops that are grazed.
(Alternatively, fi eld maps may be copied to note the crops grown each year in each location. Maps can be a mainstay of
recordkeeping systems if they include soil-fertility and pest-management inputs.)
Year/Season &
Crop(s) Planted
Year/Season &
Crop(s) Planted
Year/Season &
Crop(s) Planted
Year/Season &
Crop(s) Planted
Example: Field 1 Summer 2011:
Tomatoes Winter
cover crop: bell beans
Summer 2011:
Fall: (12 mo)
Winter 2011-12
cover crop: Soil builder
mix (oat, barley, bell
beans, peas)
Summer 2012:
Winter cover: oats
and vetch
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Farm or Ranch Location/Crop: Year:
and Crop
Purpose /
Reason for
Organic Status
Veri cation
Method and
Rate / Amount
3/1 Field 1
Dipel DF Valent
Worm control OMRI listed ½ lb/acre
Farm, fi eld, parcel, or bed, and crop (including cover crops, green manures, pasture, etc.).
Material or product name and formulation, if applicable.
Source or Manufacturer. It is necessary to correctly identify the manufacturer (the one that formulates, manufactures, and
packages a product) in order to verify whether a product is allowed for use in organic production. Be careful to note the manu-
facturer (distinct from the distributor—a business from which you purchase a product but that does not make it).
Purposes may include soil fertility and pest- or disease-management, etc. Some materials, for example, are allowed for pest
management but not as a soil amendment.
OMRI or WSDA List, NOP Seal on label, or certifi er review and approval.
Input Material Application Record
Use this form to record application of all types of inputs, including manure, compost, soil amendments, fertilizers, plant-
ing media or potting soil, mulches, and pest-management materials. Please be as specifi c as possible, and use the
complete product name. (This form has many possible modifi cations. For example, if you use multiple inputs in a given
location and/or crop, write the location and crop at the top of the form and eliminate that column in the chart.)
Documentation should be available for inspection to support the information recorded by producers, including
the following, as applicable: receipts for purchased inputs, labels for any materials not listed on an approved list,
receiving/source records for any free input materials, or county Pesticide Use Reports.
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Compost Production Record
Use this form to describe how your compost-production process meets the requirements of the defi nition of compost
and NOP § 203(c)(2) or NOP Guidance 5021.
Date Temperature Turned? Initials of
Responsible Party
Farm Name: _______________________________________ Production Year: ______________________
Compost System: Windrow Static Aerated Pile In-Vessel
Other (specify) _________________________________________________________________________
Compost Pile, Windrow or Unit ID:
Location/Method of Temperature Reading:
Feedstocks / Materials Used (and quantity): Estimated C/N Ratio of mixture:
Example: Weeds and crop residues, Chicken manure, Spoiled hay,
Kitchen waste
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Manure Application / Food Crop Harvest Interval Record
Use this form to document that the requirement for the interval of 90 or 120 days between the application of raw ma-
nure and harvest of a food crop has been met. (NOP § 205.2: Manure, and § 205.203 (b)). Optional: Additional notes can
be added regarding compliance with international standards; disregard that column if its not applicable.
Farm: Year:
and Crop
Date /Rate
of Manure
Date of
Date of
How Applied
/ Incorpor-
Manure Type,
Form and
tion of EU
Example: Field
3/1 5 tons/
7/1 7/15
spreader disk in
Chicken, dry,
on farm
certifi cate
Documentation should be available for inspection to support the information recorded by producers, including
receiving/source records. International standards and some concerns related to NOP regulations may necessitate
letters describing animal manure production systems, additives, etc.
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Seed Records Part A: Suppliers of Seed or Planting Stock
Use this set of forms to document your search for commercially available organic seed—or reasons for the lack thereof—
if any nonorganic seed or planting stock is used.
Use Part A to list the names and contact information of seed- and/or planting-stock suppliers who handle organic seed
and/or planting stock as well as who you contact regarding availability of what you seek to purchase—and notes about
commercial availability (quantity, quality, and form). It will serve as a reference with contact information for potential
sources of organic seed (see also ATTRAs Directory of Organic Seed Sources
Use Part B to document your search for organic seed and stock as well as the reasons for the lack of commercial availabil-
ity (quantity, quality, and form) if nonorganic seed or planting stock are used.
Use Part C to document the compliance of any seed treatments, coatings, or inoculants used.
Part A: Potential Seed Sources
Company or Seed Source Contact Information Abbreviation
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Seed Records Part B: Nonorganic Seed or Planting Stock
Use this form to list all nonorganic seeds and/or planting stock used or planned for use, documenting how the seeds
and/or planting stock listed below a) qualify for an exemption allowing the use of nonorganic seed and/or planting stock
when an equivalent organically produced variety is not commercially available, and if so, b) that they have been verifi ed
to be untreated and non-GMO.
If applicable, complete part C (on page C12) or adapt this form to list seed treatments, coatings, or inoculants.
Nonorganic Seed or
Planting Stock Type
and Variety
Supplier /
Reason for
Commercial Nonavail-
ability: form, quality,
quantity (explain as
Suppliers Contacted
(list numbers or
abbreviations from
list of seed suppliers)
Documentation of
Allowed Status:
a) allowed list
b) no prohibited
c) non-GMO
Documentation should be available for inspection to support the information recorded by producers, including
the following as applicable: purchase receipts, order forms and special requests, and organic certifi cates (current
copy) for all annual seedlings or transplants.
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Seed Records Part C: Documentation of Allowability of Seed Treatments, Coatings, or Inoculants
Use this form to record seed treatments and coatings or inoculants, or adapt form B to include these materials and
Date Location Crop / Variety Inoculant or Seed
Documentation of
Allowed Status
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Seed-saving and Planting-stock Propagation Record
Harvest Date Crop / Variety Field / Location of
Harvest or Propagation
Quantity / Storage
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Harvest Record
Use this form to track harvest and sale of your organic crops. The audit trail is complete when the producer releases con-
trol of the product.
Farm Name: Crop Year/Season:
Harvest Date Location (Field or
Parcel ID)
Crop Quantity Where Stored or
Documentation should be available for inspection to support the information recorded by producers, including, as
applicable: receipts and organic certifi cates for any purchased product; transport records (e.g., delivery tags, receiv-
ing tags, bills of lading, and clean transport records); and sales records (purchase orders, invoices, or other types of
records of the transaction).
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Farmers Market Load List or Farm Stand Sales Record
Farm Name: Location: Date(s):
Crop or Product Unit of Measure
(bunches, baskets,
boxes, lb., etc.)
Quantity Sold
To Market: Remaining: Quantity Price* Revenue
* Prices may change through the market for a variety of reasons.
Farmers market stall fee: ______________
Mileage: (Number of miles round trip x $.50/mile (current government rate) = _______________
Wages of employees to staff market (number of hours x $_____ /hour = _________
Miscellaneous expenses (specify) __________________________________________________
Total Expenses: _________________________________________________________________
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Harvest Plan and Record “Pick List”
Use this form to record (plan for) specifi c crop harvest, with quantities and sales destinations.
Date: Farm or Location:
(specifi c)
Field 1
1 box (12
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Weekly Harvest And Cost Summary
Use this form to record weekly harvest and sales to CSA members. In addition to NOP compliance, this form provides a
farm-management and fi nancial tool.
Week of: Weekly Share Price for Full Share:
Produce Crop /
Source (farm
or purchased
Quantity of
Value of
(number of
Total Value
or Revenue
LABOR Worker Rate Hours Total
DELIVERY Route Miles Rate Total
Other CSA-
Related Travel
or Expenses
Purchased product should be indicated on this list as well as in any written communication (such as a weekly newsletter) that
shareholders receive, so that anyone can tell where each product comes from and whether it is certifi ed organic.
Value. This column is included to help the farmer align future share price with the box contents (generally established by the
price of that item if it were to be sold at a farmers market).
This column may be used to record either total value of produce sold or total revenue. These are two diff erent pieces of infor-
mation, both of which may be useful to the farmer to help determine the profi tability of current practices and future pricing.
CSA shares are generally purchased by the season or month. If used to record revenue, the column merely provides a reference
to compare costs with revenues on a weekly basis.
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Harvest Instructions / Record
Use this form to record clear directions for accomplishing detailed harvest operations that vary frequently from day to
day with the changing of the season—such as a market-garden harvest for direct markets—and to provide a record of
harvest totals. This form may be especially useful when working with new farm employees. This is one of several options
for harvest records; use the one that best meets your farms needs.
Date: Market (or CSA Distribution):
Location Crop Variety Quantity Comments (quantity, special harvest
instructions, post-harvest handling,
storage, etc.)
Bed A
Parsley Curly 10 bunches
Size of bunches—loosely gathered, should fi ll
the space between thumb and index fi nger.
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Total Farm Sales Record
Use this form to summarize sales over the course of a season or year, such as a total of Farmers Market sales or other types
of sales.
Farm Name: Crop Year:
Date of Sale
or Delivery
Market or Buyer Record and
Total Sales
Receipts $
Expenses Net for Market
Documentation should be available for inspection to support the information recorded by producers, including
the following, as applicable: receipts and organic certifi cates for any purchased product; transport records (e.g., de-
livery tags, receiving tags, bills of lading, and clean transport records); and sales records (purchase orders, invoices,
or other types of records of the transaction).
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Storage Inventory Record
Use this form to track product storage and inventory balance.
Crop or Product
Storage Location
and Type
Quantity /
Date In
Quantity /
Date Out
Documentation should be available for inspection to support the information recorded by producers, including
the following, as applicable: grower statements, invoices, delivery/receipting tags, and other types of audit-trail
documents. The audit trail is complete when the producer releases control of the product.
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Equipment Cleaning Log
Use this form to record cleaning of all application, harvest, and transport equipment that is not dedicated to organic
operations but is also used for nonorganic materials and to verify adequate cleanliness to ensure that nonorganic prod-
ucts and/or prohibited materials do not contaminate organic crops or products. The producer may modify this form to
include equipment and cleaning procedures (to avoid repetitive entries) with spaces to be checked off when completed.
Date Equipment or Surface Cleaning Methods and Materials Responsible
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Clean Transport A davit
Use this form to record how transport vehicles used for nonorganic materials are verifi ed as being inspected and/or
cleaned adequately to ensure that nonorganic products and/or prohibited materials do not contaminate the organic
crops or product.
Producer/Business Name:
Date Transport Unit Loaded:
1. Type of transport: farm wagons farm truck bulk semi trailer
common carrier tanker other (specify) ________________________________
2. The transportation was arranged by: grower buyer other (specify) ____________________
3. Is the form of transportation only used for organic products? yes no
If no, state products transported prior to organic: ____________________________________________________
4. Transport unit was inspected and found to be free of:
foreign odors residues conventional products other substances which may compromise organic
integrity (describe as needed) ___________________________________________________________________
5. List transport unit ID # with the following information:
Unit / Vehicle
Identi cation
Crop and
Lot #
Check () if vehi-
cle was inspected
prior to loading
organic product
Cleaning method: Check () all that apply.
If Other, describe method.
Swept Vacuum Air blown Washed Other
I hereby certify that the above transport units were inspected and cleaned thoroughly using the method indicated
to protect the integrity of the organic products being transported.
Signature Date
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
Bu er Crop Disposition Records
Use this form to document what happens to crops that are grown on buff er land that is organically managed but may be
exposed to some risk of contamination from neighboring land such that the crop should not be sold as organic. Docu-
mentation should be appropriate to the nature of the buff er zone and the quantity of crop produced there. Buff er crop
disposition options may include harvest and sale as nonorganic, harvest for home use, donation to workers or gleaners,
or disking under. Commercial quantities of crops require more formal documentation (delivery tags and nonorganic sales
records) to show that the buff er crop has not been represented as organic. If the amount of product is small and the
product is not sold, less formal documentation—such as this form—may suffi ce. Always check with your certifi er to agree
on what constitutes suffi cient documentation—before harvest season arrives.
Location: Example: North side of Parcel 1, one row of apple trees (25 trees).
Buff er Crop: Example: Fuji Apples
Map: Example: Map shows neighboring conventional apple orchard to the south of parcel. Note indicates that the land is fl at; no
slope. Arrows indicate cardinal direction, north, and prevailing winds from the east.
Marking: Red ribbon is tied around the trunks of all buff er trees before harvest crews arrive. Dated photograph in fi le matches
day before harvest.
Date Crop /
Disposition (sold,
donated, home
use, disked, etc.)
Quantity (in
case of a
Sales (gross
revenue in
(type and location)
10/1 Fuji apples Parcel 1
North side,
Single row
Sold as
1 4x4 bin Delivery tag and sales
record, Apple Bobs, In
ling cabinet, buff er
crop folder
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Sample Neighbor Noti cation Letter
(Name and address)
Dear (Name):
I am currently a certifi ed organic farmer with ____________________ (name of your certifying agent), managing
my fi elds in a manner consistent with the USDA National Organic Program regulations.
Since you are an adjoining property owner, I need to inform you of my plans and ask for your help. If you plan to
use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and/or genetically engineered crops on land that adjoins my fi elds, please take
precautions when transporting or spraying to prevent over spray, chemical or genetic drift, or run-off onto my farm.
If chemical drift is found on my organic crops or fi elds, I may be required to wait up to three years before using
these fi elds for organic production. This could also cause loss of my organic certifi cation and/or loss of the organic
premium for crops grown on aff ected elds.
(Optional Paragraph) I understand that you are currently not using any synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and/or
genetically engineered crops on the (fi eld or pasture) that borders my farm to the_________ (east, west, north or
south) and adjoins my fi eld # (_______). If you are willing to sign the enclosed Verifi cation of Adjoining Land Use
form, I will not be required to maintain a buff er zone between your fi eld and mine. Also indicate the location of
your adjoining fi elds on the map enclosed. Please return the signed statement as soon as possible.
If you would like to know more about my organic certifi cation or have any other questions, please call. Thanks for
your help.
(Signature of organic farmer)
Verifi cation of Adjoining Land Use letter
Farm map
Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers
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Documentation Forms for Organic Crop Producers March 2011 Optional form, not mandated by regulations
Adjoining Land Use Veri cation
I verify that I am the farmer of Location _________________________________________.
I am aware that my neighbor, ______________ (name) whose land borders my farm(s) the (N,E,S, and/or W)
side(s) is certifi ed organic. I also understand that it is important to his or her business that organic crops and land
be protected from contact with certain substances—such as synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungi-
cides, other pesticides and genetically modifi ed organisms—that are not allowed in organic farming. Buff er zones
are required to be suffi cient to prevent contamination.
The following statements in this affi davit will help the organic certifi er determine what type of buff er the organic
farmer named above needs to maintain. Please check all that are true.
I am an organic farmer, with current certifi cation by ___________________(name of certifi er) (or exempt from
certifi cation due to sales).
The materials I routinely use on my farm include the following:
synthetic fertilizers
treated wood
other (specify)
I do not use any of the above materials on my farm
I use the materials checked above, but not on the fi elds adjoining my neighbors property.
The distance between where I use the materials checked above and my organic neighbors property is ____feet.
I agree to notify my organic neighbor when I plan to use these materials on adjacent land.
Signature of neighbor Date
Farm Name
Phone number