Rev Date
July 2019
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Do Not Knock Guidelines
1. All Door-to-Door Peddlers, Solicitors, Canvassers must be licensed by the Township of
Chatham** and must have their Township-issued Canvasser/Solicitor Permit or Peddler
License with them whenever they are out soliciting/canvassing/peddling.
2. The Township of Chatham Clerk's office will maintain a Do Not Knock list.
3. Door-to-Door solicitors, canvassers and peddlers may not approach any address on the Do
Not Knock list. It is the responsibility of the solicitor/canvasser/peddler to obey the
Township's regulations and abide by the "Do Not Knock" list even if a decal is not visible
at the residence.
4. Peddlers, solicitors, and canvassers shall not place literature, leaflets, pamphlets,
advertisements, circulars, samples, door hangers or other written material (other than those
requested by the resident) on the premises of those residents on the Do Not Knock/Do Not
Drop Off Registry.
** Non-commercial, religious, and/or political canvassers and solicitors protected by the First
Amendment to the US Constitution are permitted to perform those activities from 9:00 AM to 9:00
PM on weekdays and weekends. These groups, such as political campaigners or religious advocacy
groups, are not bound by the rules stated in the Township's Do Not Knock Ordinance.