Authorized User – Any individual or entity permitted to use University computers, networks
or tele or video resources. Authorized users include students, staff, faculty, alumni, sponsored
affiliates, and other individuals who have an association with the University that grants them access
to University information technology resources. Some users may be granted additional
authorization to access institutional data by the data owner or custodian.
Banner Data – Any data that resides on, is transmitted to, or extracted from any Banner
system, including databases or database tables/views, file systems and directories, and
Banner Security Administrator – An IT professional position in the Division of
Information Technology responsible for processing approved requests.
Banner Steering Committee – A Presidential appointed committee with membership
representative of all Banner system areas. This committee provides oversight for the
entire Banner system, and interacts as needed with the modular teams.
Banner System – Human Resources, Finance, Student, Financial Aid, Operational Data
Store (ODS), Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), Luminis, fsaAtlas, and any other
interfaces to these systems.
Database Administrator (DBA) – the Database Administrator is responsible for the
application of software upgrades and patches as provided by the USG and back-ups of
the local database server. The Database Administrator acts as the first step of security
by creating user ids and passwords to access the local file servers. The Database
Administrator is also responsible for the creation and deletion of user ids to access
specific data relative to the position occupied by the employee and approved by the
appropriate Director.
Data Custodian – University Directors (typically at the level of Registrar, Director of Payroll
and Employee Benefits, Director of Student Financial Services, etc) are representatives of
the University who are assigned the responsibility to serve as a steward of University data in
a particular area. They are responsible for developing procedures for creating, maintaining,
and using University data, based on University policy Uand applicable state and federal laws.U
Data Users – Data users are individuals who access Banner data in order to
perform their assigned duties or fulfill their role in the Auburn University community.
Host Institution – integrates internal and external management information across an
entire organization, embracing finance/accounting and human resources. Its purpose is
to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries
of the organization and manage the connections to outside users.
Maintenance access – Access enabling the user to both view and update Banner data.
This access is limited to users directly responsible for the collection and maintenance of
Module Functional Administrators – are the persons that assign screens to users
specifying whether the screens are view only, update or denied access. These are the