Updated July 1, 2015
Division of Academic and Student Affairs
Faculty Evaluation by Department Chair
NAME: __________________________________________________________
DIVISION: _______________________ ACADEMIC YEAR: ________________
DIRECTIONS: Record all identifying information and responses on this evaluation form.
5 - Always
4 - Most Often
3 - Often
2 - Sometimes
1 - Never
_____1. Is dependable.
_____2. Completes assigned tasks, reports, etc. on time.
_____3. Is knowledgeable concerning the affairs of the department.
_____4. Has adequate knowledge of his/her subject matter.
_____5. Demonstrates a knowledge of current issue, trends, and techniques in
his or her field.
_____6. Is actively involved in professional development activities (attend and
participate in conferences, meetings, lectures, seminars, symposia and
_____7. Participates in student recruitment.
_____8. Promotes a viable effort for student retention in the department.
_____9. Participates in community service activities (public and private industry).
____10. Presents academic papers or participates on panels at conferences,
seminars, or through lectures other than in the classroom setting.
____11. Disseminates course syllabi.
Updated July 1, 2015
____12. Attends University functions.
____13. Adequately covers the material referenced in the outline(s).
____14. Gives assignments (test, quizzes, homework, reports, etc.) that reflect
the scope and depth of the course content as described in the course
____15. Maintains posted office hours for conferences and advisement.
____16. Meets classes regularly and punctually.
____17. Has communication skills (oral and written) adequate for teaching.
____18. Proctors exams and tests to ensure academic integrity.
____19. Is flexible in accepting teaching responsibilities, including integrating
new knowledge and technology.
____20. Participates on University committees.
Score for Instructional Responsibilities: __________
Department Head’s Signature: _______________________ Date: ___________
Faculty Member’s Signature: ________________________ Date: __________
Updated July 1, 2015
Division of Academic and Student Affairs
Faculty Evaluation by Department Chair
Performance Evaluation Results
NAME: __________________________________________________________
DIVISION: _______________________ ACADEMIC YEAR: ________________
DIRECTIONS: Please type performance evaluation results on this form.
Total Score: __________
Maximum Score Possible: __________
Performance Rating:
Below performance Requirements (Below 70 Points) _____
Meets Performance Requirements (70-79 Points) _____
Exceeds Performance Requirements (80-89 Points) _____
Substantially Exceeds Performance Requirements (90-100 Points) _____
Recommended for continuation as Chair: Yes_____ No_____
Faculty Member’s Signature________________________ Date________________
Department Chair’s Signature ______________________ Date________________